Obviously Aquarius
must have something to do with water...
Sure, here he is
pouring out an endless stream of water for the southern fish ‘Pisces
Australis’, marked by bright star Fomalhaut: Arabic for ‘mouth of
the fish’.![]() |
Align top to north-west |
The other constellations that have been linked with Aquarius are Pegasus the
winged horse and Cygnus the swan, out of sight to the north and
sometimes referred to as the northern cross.

Guess what springs to mind!….The Beatles singing ‘Aquarius’, the
expression ‘drink like a fish’, and Mobil fuel making your car fly!
Same here!...but I doubt if peace, love, harmony, understanding,
sympathy and trust come from ‘mystic crystal revelations’ from The Beatles.
That’s why we need the Redeemer.

“…the water that I
shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into
everlasting life.” (John 4:14)
They tell me that not only did you need a bucket but a lot of strong rope to
fetch water from that well – I understand the water is about 90 feet below.
Yes. Later, Jesus said in John 7 verse 37: “If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.”
Also we learn from the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 10 verse 4 that the gushing rock in the desert represented Christ. (Exodus 17:4)
Okay, what about Israel’s connection?
Jacob told his firstborn Reuben that he was as unstable as water and
their national identity is intimately connected with water: the Red Sea, the
river Jordan, the baptism of John, the Sea of Galilee...
So what does it all mean to you?
Well, in the last episode the Sacrificial Saviour paid the price of
redemption in blood, but John tells us in chapter 19 verse 34 that water also
came out of the side of Jesus. Water is not only the fuel of life, it provides
us with cleansing.
As for Pegasus, he is a symbol of power that reminds me that Jesus
Christ, the mounted Judge in Revelation 19 verse 11, is soon to return like Cygnus
the swan - except His horse will be white not red.
Image credits: Stellarium
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