IOPNA’s series on the CONSTELLATIONS resumes with
the Mazzaroth (Zodiac):
Righto, let’s get on with this heavenly slide show. Going by the so called ‘Protevangelium’
in Genesis 3 verse 15, we decided to begin with Virgo, so show us how she is depicted…
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Align top to south |
At the moment she is high in the south-eastern evening sky for
those in the northern hemisphere. Notice the brilliant star Spica highlights a
‘spike’ of wheat in Virgo’s left hand on the ecliptic line, and a branch or rod
is in her right hand. Incidentally the star behind Virgo’s
ponytail is Zavijava, meaning ‘small mosque’, and it was used by
Albert Einstein during the solar eclipse of 21 September, 1922 in measuring the
speed of light.
So we’ve already found the Redeemer spoken of as ‘the seed’ of the woman
- where is He spoken of as ‘the Branch’?
How about:
Jeremiah 23:5 as King of
Israel (Matthew 2:2 ; 27:11)
3:8 as Servant (Mark 10:45)
Zechariah 6:12 as Son of Man (Luke 19:10)
4:2 as The Lord or Son of God (John 20:31)
Wow! ‘The Branch’ seems a very important title….and
the ‘corn of wheat’? Jesus Christ refers to Himself in John 12 verse 24: it falls into the ground and dies but brings forth much fruit.
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Lucas Cranach (1472-1553) |
…which seems to confirm starting with Virgo!
Remember we took a look at the 12 sons of Jacob (Israel) and noticed that among them the birth of daughter Dinah gets a special mention? (Genesis 30:21)
Obviously Dinah wasn’t Jacob’s only daughter (ch46 v7), so what was Dinah’s claim to fame?
I understand it was
always the hope of godly young Jewish women that they would be chosen to give
birth to the Redeemer. Dinah’s name meant ‘judgment’ and unfortunately she lost
her virginity dishonourably - unlike Mary the virgin mother of Jesus, who
incidentally belonged to the tribe of Judah. There’s a warning in that Jacob’s
family was never the same after this disgrace of fornication in Genesis 34.
I see. Does Virgo
have any connection with surrounding constellations?
It’s claimed that Virgo was once associated
· Coma Berenice (Berenice is referred to in Daniel 11:6) now depicts a woman’s hair but
may have originally meant to be ‘mother and child’ – either way it’s feminine· Centaur is half man, half horse – a dual-natured being
· Bootes (the Ploughman) is the guarding shepherd
You can try to investigate the credibility,
authority and relevance of all that in your spare time.
Maybe we’ll find groupings within the Mazzaroth
like presentations of the Lord Jesus Christ , commencing with His first advent
to “save His people from their sins” – so let’s move on to….
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