Friday, 31 May 2013

AQUARIUS: water, water...

IOPNA's series on the CONSTELLATIONS looks at the 6th sign of the Mazzaroth:

Obviously Aquarius must have something to do with water...
Sure, here he is pouring out an endless stream of water for the southern fish ‘Pisces Australis’, marked by bright star Fomalhaut: Arabic for ‘mouth of the fish’.

Align top to north-west
The other constellations that have been linked with Aquarius are Pegasus the winged horse and Cygnus the swan, out of sight to the north and sometimes referred to as the northern cross.

Guess what springs to mind!….The Beatles singing ‘Aquarius’, the expression ‘drink like a fish’, and Mobil fuel making your car fly!

Same here!...but I doubt if peace, love, harmony, understanding, sympathy and trust come from ‘mystic crystal revelations’ from The Beatles. That’s why we need the Redeemer.

Aquarius also reminds me of Jesus sitting by the well, saying to the Samaritan woman - of all people:

“…the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” (John 4:14)                                                             

They tell me that not only did you need a bucket but a lot of strong rope to fetch water from that well – I understand the water is about 90 feet below.
Yes. Later, Jesus said in John 7 verse 37: “If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.”
Also we learn from the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 10 verse 4 that the gushing rock in the desert represented Christ. (Exodus 17:4)                                      
Okay, what about Israel’s connection?

Jacob told his firstborn Reuben that he was as unstable as water and their national identity is intimately connected with water: the Red Sea, the river Jordan, the baptism of John, the Sea of Galilee...                      
So what does it all mean to you?

Well, in the last episode the Sacrificial Saviour paid the price of redemption in blood, but John tells us in chapter 19 verse 34 that water also came out of the side of Jesus. Water is not only the fuel of life, it provides us with cleansing.
As for Pegasus, he is a symbol of power that reminds me that Jesus Christ, the mounted Judge in Revelation 19 verse 11, is soon to return like Cygnus the swan - except His horse will be white not red.

Moving on, I think Pisces is next.


Image credits: Stellarium                                                


Tuesday, 28 May 2013


IOPNA takes a look at the 5th constellation of the ‘Mazzaroth’:

 Now there’s a weird sign – half goat, half fish! What’s that all about?

Align top to north-west
That’s Capricornus from which we have the Tropic of Capricorn that marks the southern limit of the tropics. On the summer solstice of December 22 the sun is exactly overhead at latitude 23 degrees 27 minutes south with Capricornus once behind it, but the precession of Earth’s rotation now delays that about a month. 
First of all, in Latin caper means goat and cornu means horn. Now let’s try and find Capricornus in the night-sky, between Fomalhaut in Piscis Austrinus and Altair in Aquila. Next we can look for a double star Al Gedi on the tip of the right horn, Dabih at the base of the left horn, and Deneb Algedi on the tip of the fish fin.

Whatever do those weird names mean?
Al Gedi is Arabic for ‘the kid’                                                   
Dabih is Arabic for ‘Sacrifice slain’                                                
Deneb Algedi is Arabic for ‘the sacrifice comes’

I don’t think we’ll have to look far for a scriptural link here!
A goat’s kid was sacrificed for the sin offering in Leviticus 9 verse 3;                          
on the Day of Atonement two goat kids were used in Leviticus 16.

Notice this dying goat is struggling to get up – a healthy goat uses its hind legs first to stand up.

Are you sure of that?

Well, we used to breed cashmere goats.

Fair enough. Meanwhile the fish tail is very much alive!

“Follow me , and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4 verse 19                         
153 great fish were caught by the disciples under the direction of the Lord Jesus in John 21 – after His resurrection!    
What about a link with Jacob’s sons?

Well it immediately reminds me of Joseph’s coat being dipped in the blood of a goat’s kid in Genesis 37 verse 31.
Perhaps they felt mighty uncomfortable seeing Capricornus up there!                    

Sure. I think you’ll find that Capricornus is meant to speak to us more of the achievement from the sacrifice. Joseph finally said to his brothers: “…ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good…” (Genesis 50:20)      
So which other constellations were associated with Capricornus?

If you look further north you will find:
The star Altair marking Aquila falling from the sky, after being struck by…
Sagitta, the arrow from heaven above the head of Aquila, also…
Delphinus the dolphin leaping above the water

Okay, that reminds me of the Redeemer as Son of God enduring death under God’s righteous judgment on sin…..

…. but then leaping out of death to produce a great result!                                      
It’s going to be a great victory after all!   

NEXT:  Aquarius

Image credits: Stellarium                                               


Saturday, 25 May 2013


IOPNA looks at the 4th constellation in the Mazzaroth (Zodiac):

The next constellation is Sagittarius – he’s sort of an archer on horseback isn’t he?
Yes, that’s the Latin word for an archer and look where his arrow is pointing… straight at Scorpio!

Align top to north-west
His stars don’t look exceptionally bright.
No, but notice his dual nature like Centaur, just as the Lord Jesus Christ is both God and man.

So is there a son of Jacob identified as an archer?
Sure! Jacob said about Joseph facing enemy archers: “his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob.” (Genesis 49:24)                                                      

So which other constellations have been associated with Sagittarius?
Apparently they were: Draco the dragon, Lyra representing praise, and Ara representing fire.

I know Revelation 12 tells us of ‘the dragon, that old serpent, which is the devil, and Satan’ who will finish up ‘cast into the lake of fire and brimstone.’(ch19v10)
…and the Lord Jesus Christ will be praised as ‘the Lamb that was slain’. (ch5)

Let me see if I can retell the biblical story of the Sacrificial Saviour, using some constellations in the night-sky…….

The virgin (Virgo) gives birth (Coma) to The Branch or corn of wheat. Being both God and man (Centaur) He will grow up to be the Good Shepherd (Bootes). Wearing a crown of thorns (Corona Borealis), He will be the slain victim (Lupus) on the cross (Crux) where He will meet the demands of God’s justice (Libra) by paying in blood the price of redemption.                  
In wrestling the serpent (Serpens) His heel (Ophichus) will be bitten (by Scorpio) but the enemy will be pierced (by Sagittarius). Eventually the strong Man (Hercules) will crush the head of the dragon (Draco) and cast it into the fire (Ara), earning praise (Lyra).

Well that’s how it seems. The message of redemption in the Bible may not be illustrated there by the stars but you and I can see it for ourselves in the night-sky.

So let’s move on to the next episode of this magnificent slide-show. 
NEXT: Capricornus…in the Achievement

Image credits: Stellarium                                                                                           


Friday, 24 May 2013


IOPNA looks at the 3rd constellation in the Mazzaroth (Zodiac):

 Moving along the ecliptic line we can't miss Scorpio - even Libra's stars were named for Scorpio.

Align top to west
Yes, if you can’t see Scorpio’s tail you need to have your eyes tested.  Notice that while Ophiuchus wrestles with Serpens he is bitten on the heel by Scorpio
…just like God said to the serpent in the Garden of Eden: “thou shalt bruise his heel.”

Satan tried desperately to frustrate God’s plan of redemption. Remember Pharaoh ordering all Hebrew boys to be thrown to the crocodiles, Athalia trying to destroy all of the royal heirs, Haman planning to exterminate all Jews in the Persian Empire and Herod ordering all those baby boys around Bethlehem be killed.
So with Jesus hanging dead on the cross it sure looked as though Satan had finally succeeded in wrecking God’s plan.

But what was the first half of the ‘protevangelium’ prophecy in Genesis 3 verse 15?
“ (the seed) shall bruise your head…” said to the serpent.

Well the 3rd constellation possibly associated with Scorpio is Hercules – the strong man….with his foot on the head of Draco the dragon.
Of course. The enemy knows his victory will be short lived. 
So which son of Jacob could have connected with Scorpio?                                                                
Well, take your pick. Naphtali means ‘wrestling’ and there’s plenty of that happening here but I think Dan as the biting serpent might have identified here too.

There sure seems to be some correlation between the Mazzaroth and the biblical story of redemption. Let’s move on to…

Sagittarius next.

Image credit: Stellarium        




Thursday, 23 May 2013


IOPNA looks at the 2nd constellation in the Mazzaroth (Zodiac):

We found the first constellation Virgo could represent the virgin giving birth to ‘The Branch’ or corn of wheat – our Lord Jesus Christ come to “save His people from their sins”.
So the next in the Mazzaroth is Libra – that’s the scales of justice isn’t it?

Align top to west
Yes, libra is Latin for ‘scales’ and was the name given to the Roman pound weight, hence the abbreviation ‘lb’ we still use today.
That’s all very well but it seems a bit hard to find.                                   

Libra lies between white star Spica in Virgo and red star Antares in Scorpio.
Apparently this constellation was recognised as ‘the scales’ way back in Babylonian days but then it became confused with nearby Scorpio so we have:
Zubenelgenubi, meaning ‘southern claw’, the bright binary star lying right on the ecliptic line and atop the scales, and…
Zubeneschamali, meaning ‘northern claw’, sitting on the left-hand end of the beam. A fainter star on the base is Zuben Akrabi or Acrab, meaning ‘scorpion’.  

So does Libra continue the redemption story?

Yes, redemption requires a fair price be paid and the apostle Peter tells us what that price was:
“…ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver or gold…but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:” (1 Peter 1:18-19) 

The Saviour born of a virgin must pay the price - blood must flow - to satisfy God’s holy demands of justice.

So there was an attempt to remove the scales of justice, hey?...using the scorpion’s pincers!                              
Do the scales have any connection with Jacob’s family?
Sure. Dan means ‘judge’.

So which constellations nearby have been associated with Libra?
·       The Crux or Southern Cross

·       Lupus (Latin for wolf) – the slain victim

·       Corona Borealis – the crown

Well I can see a connection there – the slain Redeemer will be nailed to a cross and wear a crown of thorns instead of being crowned King of Israel, shedding His blood to pay the price demanded by God’s justice.                              

There’s something for you to research further while we move on to…

Scorpio next.

Image credit: Stellarium   
Photo credit:                                                                           




Monday, 20 May 2013


IOPNA’s series on the CONSTELLATIONS resumes with the Mazzaroth (Zodiac):

Righto, let’s get on with this heavenly slide show. Going by the so called ‘Protevangelium’ in Genesis 3 verse 15, we decided to begin with Virgo, so show us how she is depicted…                                         

Align top to south
At the moment she is high in the south-eastern evening sky for those in the northern hemisphere.  Notice the brilliant star Spica highlights a ‘spike’ of wheat in Virgo’s left hand on the ecliptic line, and a branch or rod is in her right hand.  Incidentally the star behind Virgo’s ponytail is Zavijava, meaning ‘small mosque’, and it was used by Albert Einstein during the solar eclipse of 21 September, 1922 in measuring the speed of light.                                          
Really??  So we’ve already found the Redeemer spoken of as ‘the seed’ of the woman - where is He spoken of as ‘the Branch’?

How about: 
Jeremiah 23:5 as King of Israel (Matthew 2:2 ; 27:11)                                            
Zechariah 3:8 as Servant (Mark 10:45)                                         
Zechariah 6:12 as Son of Man (Luke 19:10)                                                       
Isaiah 4:2 as The Lord or Son of God (John 20:31)
Wow! ‘The Branch’ seems a very important title….and the ‘corn of wheat’?   

Jesus Christ refers to Himself in John 12 verse 24: it falls into the ground and dies but brings forth much fruit.                                  

Lucas Cranach (1472-1553)
So the virgin will give birth to the Son who will be ‘The Branch’ or the ‘Corn of Wheat’. Is there anything else to learn from Virgo?
It’s interesting that the first biblical month in the Jewish calendar is Aviv (Abib), Hebrew for ‘a tender ear of grain’.

…which seems to confirm starting with Virgo!

Remember we took a look at the 12 sons of Jacob (Israel) and noticed that among them the birth of daughter Dinah gets a special mention? (Genesis 30:21)

Obviously Dinah wasn’t Jacob’s only daughter (ch46 v7), so what was Dinah’s claim to fame?

I understand it was always the hope of godly young Jewish women that they would be chosen to give birth to the Redeemer. Dinah’s name meant ‘judgment’ and unfortunately she lost her virginity dishonourably - unlike Mary the virgin mother of Jesus, who incidentally belonged to the tribe of Judah. There’s a warning in that Jacob’s family was never the same after this disgrace of fornication in Genesis 34.
I see. Does Virgo have any connection with surrounding constellations?

It’s claimed that Virgo was once associated with:                    
·   Coma Berenice (Berenice is referred to in Daniel 11:6) now depicts a woman’s hair but may have originally meant to be ‘mother and child’ – either way it’s feminine
·   Centaur is half man, half horse – a dual-natured being
·   Bootes (the Ploughman) is the guarding shepherd

You can try to investigate the credibility, authority and relevance of all that in your spare time.
Maybe we’ll find groupings within the Mazzaroth like presentations of the Lord Jesus Christ , commencing with His first advent to “save His people from their sins” – so let’s move on to….

 Image credit: Stellarium