Sunday 21 July 2013


We're exploring the miraculous survival of the Jews but does God really love them?

 I was amazed to learn that the Israeli airline 'El Al' takes its name from the book of Hosea in the Jewish Bible.  Who was Hosea anyway?  Surely he wasn't a pimp, was he?                                                                                 
No way - he was a god-fearing Jewish prophet about 750 BC, who God ordered to marry a prostitute.

You're joking aren't you?  Marry a whore??  Come on now...God must have been really hard up to order that!

Yes, God was so bent on illustrating His dire warning to Israel that Hosea had to go look for a bride in the red light district.

But wasn't prostitution taboo in Israel?

Absolutely!...from Deuteronomy 23 verse 17, and it was especially taboo for a priest to marry a whore. However the place had become like a brothel so….. desperate situations call for desperate measures!

Yea, but this could be just a bit of a sordid yarn....
...not when we're given full names. Hosea was son of Beeri and he picked Gomer daughter of Diblaim who bore him three children, named by God -

- a son, Jezreel, meaning 'God will scatter'                                                                             
- a daughter, Lo-ru-hamah, meaning 'no mercy'                                                                  
- another son, Lo-ammi, meaning 'not my people'...just nobodys

Wow!... that really spells it out!  "You've been behaving like a whore in a brothel so I'm going to toss you out - without mercy - and disown you!"  Was he for real?
Sure. The kingdom of Israel by then was independent of the kingdom of Judah, so the corrupt family of king Ahab was annihilated in Jezreel and finally Israel was wiped off the map by the Assyrian Empire in 722 BC, confirmed by Assyrian records held in the University of Chicago. The land was deliberately repopulated with Gentiles and Israel has never been the same since.

Well that's that! It wasn’t just a yarn - God finished with most of Israel in 722 BC.
Not quite. Hosea's wife got bored and had an affair, as they say, with his friend.

Huh, friend!? What did Hosea do?...go and stone them? I bet he felt like it!
He had to go and buy her back with 15 pieces of silver and some barley - the price of a female slave and...wait for her again!

Aw, come on now!…your missus, who had a checkered past, cheats on you with your mate and then you have to buy her back?...and love her as if nothing happened??
Urr, not exactly. It looks like Hosea put her on a long probation of celibacy – not even intercourse with Hosea, who promised to remain faithful too. Oh and by the way, Gomer’s name is said to mean ‘heat’.  

This is almost unbelievable! can just about feel the tension!
Just like between God and Israel ever since:

“For the children of Israel shall abide many days without king, and without prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and without teraphim…

Mmm…so even though they’re back in Palestine, they’re still like that today.                                
Okay, take back a cheating missus - but why pay up too?

 Photo credit:

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