Saturday 20 July 2013

'EL AL'?...WHO??

IOPNA explores whether Israel's survival is miraculous:

What a jumbo of an embarrassment!

That’s just a regular Boeing 747 on approach from Tel Aviv in Israel.

Precisely! Israel is on the map again.

Well it always has been for as long as I can remember but I guess it is kind of remarkable, all things considered.

Just remarkable hey? You would have to be over 80 years of age to clearly remember the miracle of the re-establishment of the State of Israel after 1,878 years. Unfortunately today’s world leaders are all too young to have seen it.
But this is a common sight around here – just another scheduled flight. 
Come on……an Israeli airliner is hardly an embarrassment.
You don’t think so??  Check out the signwriting on the upper deck.

Well that’s just the airline name - ‘El Al’ - with a few squigggles thrown in for good measure.
What other airline, anywhere in the world today, has a quotation from the Holy Scriptures plastered all over their aeroplanes, uniforms and service vehicles?...and not only that, they have written it in Hebrew as well, their own language now revived after centuries.

You’re kidding aren’t you?...surely not a quotation from the Bible??
Sure it is! This is from that sacred book that science is supposed to have proved to be full of myths, about a God that is not supposed to exist! Hosea 11 verse 7 says: “…they call him to (el) the Most High (al)…

So the Jews have survived and returned, and whether they realize it or not, their God and their Holy Book is now flaunted on the sides of their national airliners….I see what you mean…quite an embarrassment!
The sad thing is that it has suited them to pick out a couple of words from their sacred Tanakh which have been taken to simply mean ‘upwards’ or ‘skyward’, and ignore what Hosea was actually saying:

“And my people are bent on backsliding from me: though they (the prophets) called them to the most High, none at all would exalt him.”

Mmm…who are these people anyway?...where did they come from?
The Jews?...they trace their ancestry back to Abraham, nearly 4000 years ago – in fact, even back to Noah then Adam.

Wow! they sure are survivors!
Yes, they kept their identity by avoiding marriage with Gentiles and by constantly hoping – “Next year in Jerusalem”.                                                
Look at the world’s empires fallen into the dust of history in the meantime: Egypt…Babylon…Persia…Greece…Rome….

Weren’t they the empires that tried to dominate the Jews or take over Palestine?
That’s them, and even in modern times we have seen the collapse of empires that didn’t learn from that history – the Ottoman Empire, the Third Reich of Germany, the British Empire, and now the U.S.S.R.  In fact, if you watch televised news you can see that Russia and Iran (Persia), still haven’t learnt their lesson.           

Okay, I can see El Al is definitely an embarrassment – it tells the world that Israel is still on the map while all those empires have crumbled.
The only exception is that the Roman Empire didn’t disappear but fragmented and since 1958 reviving as the European Union, just like the Bible predicts.

The Bible predicted that??    So it’s going to get interesting hey?...with Israel and a Gentile empire both back on the map together.                                                   
How about we check out this guy, Hosea and see what he was on about.


Photo credit: 

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