Saturday 13 July 2013


IOPNA's conversation with a skeptic about the 'Rapture' continues...

Last time you showed me where the Rapture was mentioned in some ancient Bible and promised to tell me why Paul wrote to the Thessalonians.

Sure but before we do, can I tell you about two funerals last week -
The 86 year old was once a successful businessman who revolutionised diamond drilling in time for the new Parliament House in Canberra, and the Hong Kong harbour tunnel. A good bloke, they all said, into racehorses, betting, football, fishing, drinking …and the joke was his big hope had been to see South Sydney win a rugby premiership.

Photo credit:

What was the 76 year old grandmother's assurance of hope?
"Everlasting peace, together with the Lord."

One funeral was about the achievements and hopes of the past, but the other was looking to the future in hope.

Mmm, I guess past hope aint really hope!

So let's have a look at the background in 'Acts' for Paul’s letter.
Nearly 20 years after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the apostle has set out on his second missionary journey and crossed the Aegean Sea to Europe for the first time (16:9-) to spend at least a fortnight in Thessalonica, Macedonia (17:1-10). Many are converted at hearing him preach but he has to take off at night, ending up in Corinth for 18 months (18:1-18). The letter (ch 3) shows young Timotheus has arrived to report to Paul that the Thessalonians were still hopefully expecting Jesus Christ to come back for them but now he wants to reassure them that those believers who had recently died weren’t going to miss out.

So they expected Jesus Christ to return in their lifetime, for them…and so what does this bit about the Rapture actually say?

We’ll have to leave chapter 4 until next time but first, let me tell you about the rest of the letter because many readers miss some vital points; EVERY chapter refers to the return of Jesus Christ:
1:10 “…wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus who delivers us from the WRATH to come.” (N.B. wrath from orge: violent anger)
2:19 “…even you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming?”
3:13 “At the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ WITH ALL HIS SAINTS.”
5:23 “…at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Hey hang on, you’re telling me that Jesus Christ is expected to come back FOR His saints - and WITH all of his saints - even the dead ones??...WHOA!! that’s real confusing!...and what about this ‘wrath’ business?

You will see for yourself, the focus of this letter is Jesus Christ coming to personally call ALL His saints (believers) to Himself – that’s in view of coming to Earth again WITH ALL His saints.
Hang in there my friend, it will all become crystal clear eventually.

As for ‘wrath’, I do hope you’re going to miss actually seeing that, but let’s visit it later.

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