Sunday 7 April 2013


This is IOPNA’s 10th article in our conversational series on CREATION in Genesis 1:
Three Sisters, Blue Mountains, NSW 

Let’s list as many triplets as we can from the Creation story:
·       First of all there were 3 instances of bara for 'create from nothing'... with the word bara used 3 times for the creation of Man
·       3 elements of the universe: space - time - matter
·       light & dark called Day/Night; firmament called Heaven; waters called Seas
·       dividing light from dark, and waters above from waters below; gathering waters from land
·       3 different kinds of plant growth...
·       bearing fruit or seed 'according to its kind' - 3 times
·       3 creative acts in outer space – sun & moon, stars
·       3 times we get 'firmament of heavens'
·       meroah or lights are spoken of 3 times
·       fish & birds – 3 times
·       3 categories of land animals...
·       animals under dominion or their food, 3 times
·       Man is in God's image, 3 times
·       'Be fruitful and multiply', 3 times
·       All this was created on 3 pairs of complimentary days

Have you noticed any more as you read through the account down to chapter 2 verse 4?
      Yea, here's a few more:
·       God spoke 3 times about the creation of man
·       God blessed the fish and birds, Man, and the 7th day - that's 3
·       'Heavens and earth' are mentioned 3 times
·       God ended his work, 3 times
·       Seventh day spoken of 3 times

Well done! Isn't it classic the way God spells it out so clearly so there can be no argument - nobody will ever be able to turn around and accuse God of confusing us. He tells us very clearly that all this was done in 6 days, it was finished, and it was good - in fact very good!
There was one more triplet I noticed that's a bit obscure - God has revealed Himself as a Spirit, as creative and with a powerful voice.  That makes 21 triplets, and 7 x 3 equals 21!

So let's look at sevens next.

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