Tuesday 2 April 2013


This is IOPNA’s 9th article in our conversational series on CREATION in Genesis 1:

God seems to be working to a plan here...making the sun, moon and stars on the 4th day complimented Day 1, and creating the fish and birds on the 5th day put life into the work of Day 2.
I suppose we're going to find Day 6's program compliments the dry land in Day 3?

Of course! It’s another triplet to add to our list.                                                              
Here we find God makes the cattle, creeping things and beasts of the earth - 3 basic categories of land animals - each according to its kind. In other words they are genetically distinct.
That's not what evolutionists propose. They claim they evolved from each other.

Exactly. God seems to be anticipating this as He tells us.                                                    
Finally its time to make man in God's image and likeness, to have dominion over the animals.  Remember that strange plural name elohim? Well here we find: “Let us make…..in our image”!  3 times God uses the word 'image' from Hebrew: tselem or 'shadow'; 'likeness' comes from demuth or 'resemblence'. Since God is a spirit, what does He mean by image and likeness?
 Perhaps He means that Man is meant to represent God on Earth by acting like Him.                                                                                                                               
I think you're right. Here is the third instance of bara as God creates Man as male and female. Have you ever heard any credible explanation of male/female from evolutionists?

Why...no!  Isn't that odd - the world is obsessed with sex but can't explain how it came to be!           
It even looks from the original Hebrew as if God resorted to poetry here in celebration of this achievement.                                                                       
Now, God has already told the fish and birds to be fruitful and multiply - now its mankind's turn. That makes 3 times. 3 times God speaks of the animals here, either to be under dominion of man or the provision of herbage for their food.

So animals were all herbivores then?
That is what God tells us here in Genesis 1, so something has happened to change that. Finally the work is done and it’s time for a rest on the 7th day.

Is that where our 7 day week came from?
Yes, and notice how God really spells it out here for anybody who wants to argue – God did it, He finished the work, and He finished all the work.                                                     

How about we review how many times we found triplets in this account?

 Image credit: oneyearbibleblog.com





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