Most Christians seem to believe that God
has finished with Israel and replaced her with the Church, bought at a great
price. She might have wandered from the faith but will be brought back to her
So how do you explain the modern revival of
Israel in Palestine?
Oh that’s just regarded as a political struggle.Well before we go any further…who wrote the Holy Bible?
The Jews did, except for perhaps Luke, although he was probably a Jewish
Okay, starting with the Catholics...
Their Catechism states: “…their assembly
on Mount Sinai where Israel received the Law and was established by God as his
holy people. By calling itself ‘Church’, the first community of Christian
believers recognised itself as heir to that assembly…”
…as if Christians - read Catholics - have taken over. What about
You’ll find that most protestant clergy believe
in what is called ‘amillennialism’ although you probably won’t hear them teach
it – if they teach anything; in other words: the Church is ‘it’ while the
return of Israel to Palestine is of no spiritual consequence – the 1000 year
reign of Christ is just another spiritual symbol.
No wonder I’m confused! How long has this ‘amill’ thinking been around?
At least since Augustine in the 4th
century. Don’t worry, some even believe
in Preterism: God finished with the Jews in AD 70 and Christ will not return
again because all prophecy has now been fulfilled. They’re on the scrapheap.
Well that doesn’t give me any hope - at all! Alright then, what about churches like the
Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons…
The Adventists claim to be ‘the remnant church’ –
originally comprising ‘the families of faithful patriarchs’, then the nation of
Jehovah’s Witnesses obviously claim that they are the witnesses that Isaiah addressed when he wrote ‘concerning Judah and Jerusalem’ – figure that out!
Mormons claim to be descendants or adoptees of the tribe of Joseph. You’ll find their doctrines change over time as they try to blend Judaism, Christianity and even Freemasonry, with Joseph Smith’s notions.

What a mess...I’m more confused than ever!.…they all seem to carry some Catholic
baggage without realizing it, while trying to be top dog.
By the way, what about Muslims…why are they so against the Jews?
The controversy over Palestine goes back nearly 4000 years to
Sarah telling Abraham: “Cast out this bondwoman and her son
(Ishmael): for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, even
with Isaac.” The recently deposed Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi of
the Muslim Brotherhood called Israelis: ‘descendants of apes and swine’, based
on the teachings of the Qu’ran.Do you know what?...it’s a sad state of affairs and I’m feeling sorry for these people of Israel – of no consequence, not wanted, replaced, ‘apes and swine’.…no wonder they’re defensive after all the crusades, pogroms, inquisitions, and the holocaust. They have certainly paid dearly for the rejection of Jesus as their Messiah.
So let’s find out what God really thinks of them.
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