IOPNA concludes our conversation with a skeptic about the Rapture:
Let’s wrap this up by looking at the second half of Matthew 24.
Good idea. Jesus now shifts gear to explain to His Jewish disciples what He has just foretold as a Jewish prophet (21:11).

How close?
This generation that sees the revival will be around to see it. A 5 year old child in 1948 is now 70. (Also I understand the Jews consider 100 years to represent a generation and Jerusalem was liberated from Turkish rule on 11 December, 1917 by the British Army.)
No matter what happens we can rely on what Jesus has prophesied. He didn’t know the date at this stage – only the Father knew – and most people alive at the time won’t know that the Son of Man is about to come, just like people engaged in legitimate but godless pursuits in the days of Noah were taken away (airo: take away) in judgment by the Flood.
That’s amazing stuff. I had no idea how Jewish this chapter is.
Notice how most scientists today pooh-pooh the idea of a Great Flood but not Jesus.
No prizes for guessing who’s right about that one!
Now here’s an interesting bit that you will hear all sorts of interpretations on -
Two in the field or two at the mill – one ‘taken’ (paralambano: received near) and one is ‘left’ (apheimi: forsaken). In other words, one is chosen to be received but the other is left behind.
Two in the field or two at the mill – one ‘taken’ (paralambano: received near) and one is ‘left’ (apheimi: forsaken). In other words, one is chosen to be received but the other is left behind.
Hey, that sounds mighty like the Rapture!
It sure does and what a wake up that will be for many left behind especially godly Jews who did not believe on Jesus Christ as their Messiah.
The chapter ends with two illustrations to show the need to watch and be ready.
Christians need to watch and be ready but our expectation should be for Jesus to come FOR us, whereas the Jew’s expectation is for their Messiah to come to His house (Jerusalem). At the moment it is ‘left desolate’ until they say: “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” (23:38-39) In the meantime the Jews will accept an evil bondman who comes in his own name: anti-Christ.
John 5:43 Daniel 11:37 2 Thessalonians 2:4
Christians need to watch and be ready but our expectation should be for Jesus to come FOR us, whereas the Jew’s expectation is for their Messiah to come to His house (Jerusalem). At the moment it is ‘left desolate’ until they say: “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” (23:38-39) In the meantime the Jews will accept an evil bondman who comes in his own name: anti-Christ.
John 5:43 Daniel 11:37 2 Thessalonians 2:4
Well that concludes our study on the Rapture
...that they told me is not even in the Bible!
...that they told me is not even in the Bible!
One day we might look at Paul’s 2nd letter to the Thessalonians that refers to the Rapture but its theme is really the second advent of our Lord Jesus Christ – His return in glory to judge the world that rejected Him. Paul also takes a dim view of people who cause trouble with false teaching about the Rapture.
Okay, I think I understand the teaching but believing in such an ‘out there’ happening is a different matter.
Well, apart from the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Rapture will be the greatest event in all of history since Creation. There’s a lot at stake and our Saviour God “desires all men to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth”. 1 Timothy 2:4
Do you remember what we called out when playing ‘hide and seek’ as kids?
“Coming….ready or not!”
…yep, you got it! Paul says in 1 Corinthians 16:22 - “Anathema Maranatha”
…which can be translated: (If you don’t love the Lord Jesus Christ)…curse on you –
He’s coming anyway!
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