Friday, 29 March 2013


This is IOPNA’s 8th article in our conversational series on CREATION in Genesis 1:

It looks like the Builder can hand over the keys - the home is ready and the landscaping is finished.
Not yet. The lighting needs improvement and who can He hand over the keys to? 
God now compliments His work of Day 1 by making a great light to rule the day and a lesser light to rule the night.                                     

What about the stars?
Easy - just 3 words - "and the stars"!

I noticed there was no Big Bang.
Sun & moon in 'Ring of fire' 14.5.13

That's right. He made these 2 lights and He set the stars. Not only is this for light plus days and years but this is for signs and seasons - interesting hey!
That sounds like a study on its own.

Yep! God specifically refers to constellations in Job 38 and Isaiah 13:10.

Are there any more 3's to be found here?
Of course.  Having made (Hebrew: asah) the firmament in verse 7, He now makes (asah) the greater and lesser lights, and sets (nathan) the stars - 3 positive creative actions in space. Three times He speaks of 'the expanse of the heavens'. Three times he speaks of the lights (meorah) - the planning, the purpose and the construction.

Hang about - you're telling me that God made all those billions of stars in one day, only 2 days before man, then you’re going to say that this all happened only 6000 years ago. Now that won’t match up with Science, for sure! Those stars are so far away that their light takes years to reach us at 300,000 kilometres per second.
Okay, that’s sounds a reasonable objection although to be fair, don’t forget we don’t know just how far away anything in outer space is because the only measuring device we have is light and Science has proved that it doesn’t always behave as expected.

So is this the flaw in the Creation story?  
Except for one thing: I haven’t told you how God ‘set them (stars) in the expanse of the heavens’.

It doesn’t say how He did it.
Not here it doesn’t but later in the Bible it does – about 10 times - so there will be no argument. “…who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in’. (Isaiah 40:22)

10 times? Aah….the mind boggles! No wonder the universe is expanding.                       
I suppose God is so systematic that next day He complimented what He did on Day 2?
Of course!...and why not have an aviary and an aquarium? 
The sky needs filling with birds and the sea needs some fish so it's time for that word bara again in creating life. Fish and birds are both spoken of 3 times, and notice they are created according to their kind, with God's blessing - "be fruitful and multiply".

Wow!...created from nothing? That’s enough achievement in 2 days for me to get my head around.
Before we take a break, did you notice the order is completely opposite to what evolutionists say?  Sea creatures were first, so whales weren’t land mammals that decided to go for a swim; birds were next and so they can’t be reptiles that sprouted feathers. 

NEXT TIME: Now for ‘tenants and pets’

Photo credits:  
Ring of fire / 
Birds & whale /


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