This is IOPNA’s 2nd article in a conversational study of CREATION in Genesis 1 –
Last time we found that the Bible agrees with Science that the universe had a beginning and that it is winding down.
Now if the First Law of Thermodynamics says: “energy can neither be created nor destroyed”, the beginning had to be supernatural – yes?... and here it is!
Ah, maybe….but you still haven’t told me who 'God' is or how 'God' came to be there at the beginning.
No, but we are told what 'God' did. Listen. Did your parents tell you, as a baby, their whole life story plus produce DNA evidence, to prove themselves to you as your parents? Did they tell you about your conception?
Of course not! least, not that I can remember. Aw...spare me the details!
So why do we expect God to tell us everything, all at once? He will reveal Himself gradually just like you found out more about your parents as you grew to know and love them. Even so, I’m sure your parents couldn’t match what God could do, described by the Hebrew word bara: ‘create from nothing’. God created – from nothing!
Wow! that’s neat – Man can’t do that! I suppose that makes sense anyway –if the universe had a beginning it had to have been created somehow from nothing.
Exactly. The Bible applies this Hebrew word bara to God only - never to man who makes things. In fact, barawill be used in this chapter to describe only 3 different creative acts, and it’s used 3 times for the last act, the creation of people – ‘3 by 3’ if you like. The apostle Paul reminds us in Romans 4:17 - "God...calls those things which do not exist as though they did;"
Well that’s got to be pretty special - something from nothing – how ever did God do it?
We’re going to find out and here is where He started:
the heavens (shamayim: 'lofty, heaped up things') and….
the earth (erets: 'firmness, land').
So what are the elements that make up the universe, according to Science?
Why… – time – matter.
Well, here they are in the very first verse: the beginning of time, the heavens or space, and the firmness of matter! Verse 1 could be accurately written as: ‘At the beginning of time God created space and matter - from nothing.'
Notice how ‘the earth’ in some form seems to be centre-stage straightaway whereas I’m sure you’ve heard Earth being described as just an insignificant speck of dust lost somewhere in a vast universe.
We will see how typical it is for the ‘theories of evolution’ (they’re always changing) to claim the exact opposite to what the Bible says. For instance, did you hear the ‘Big Bang’ when God created the heavens and the earth?

Well no, it doesn’t say anything here about a big bang.
The apostle Peter, who accompanied Jesus Christ, tells us in 2 Peter 3:10 that the Big Bang comes at the end! Now we find Earth is somehow centre-stage right at the beginning.
How about that! I wonder what real Science says about Earth being centre-stage?
We understand that microwave energy received from outer space is generally uniform in all directions and recent surveys: the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, seem to confirm that, by the positioning of galaxies relative to Earth.
So even though we are not at the centre of our solar system or the centre of the Milky Way galaxy, we could be near the centre of the universe? How intriguing!
Instead of real Science contradicting the Bible it actually seems to be confirming that there has to be a Creator who started it all supernaturally!....
.....this IS an eye-opener.
.....this IS an eye-opener.
Acknowledgement: John Hartnett, In the Middle of the Action, Creation Ministries Int.
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