Saturday, 16 March 2013


This is IOPNA’s 4th article in our conversational series on CREATION in Genesis 1

We found that God doesn’t say anything about millions of years – that was the idea of religious scholars to try and fit in with Man’s ideas. What does God go on to tell us?
He tells us that the earth or matter was ‘without form’ from tohu (Hebrew): ‘lying waste’; and ‘void’ from bohu: ‘empty’. So I guess we could say it was desolate and apparently even shapeless. Everything was dark but the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of…….waters. ‘Spirit’ comes from ruach: breath, so you could say the breath of God was hovering over the waters.  Even ‘hovering’ is an interesting choice of words, coming from rachaph: ‘brooding’, like a hen fluttering her wings as she carefully energises those eggs with her body heat.

Wow!...this is fascinating. I was wondering when water would come into it seeing Earth is called the watery planet and I‘ve never heard a credible explanation as to where water came from. It’s like God is starting with a blank canvas and now energising His creation.  Go on.
Before we do, I need to explain that religious scholars have got more to say: they try and explain why there are so many fossils imbedded in rock by claiming that evil forces ruined God’s first attempts at creation. In other words, they say death preceded Man instead of what God says: Man’s sin caused death.

That’s weird! These religious people promote the idea that Earth is millions of years old and then I guess they have to try and explain the existence of fossils by meddling more and reading into the Bible what it doesn’t say, and which defies commonsense anyway!
That’s right, they compare this second verse with tohu being used in Isaiah 45:18 which says: “For thus says the Lord, who created the heavens, who is God, who formed the earth and made it, who has established it, who did not create it in vain (tohu), who formed it to be inhabited…”                                         
They claim this is a reconstruction job on a ruined creation - which has huge implications for the Bible’s message of redemption.  If we listened to them we’d be throwing our Bibles out in the trash because it wouldn’t make sense.

But doesn’t the Bible warn against people adding bits and pieces or leaving things out of the Bible?

You can bet it does!
Deuteronomy 4:2 Proverbs 30:6 Revelation 22:18                                           
Moving on to finally answer your opening question, we get:
“God said, “Let there be….”                 
God just spoke things into existence.

Wow! This leaves me speechless – religious Man’s arrogance and stupidity in the face of God’s power. He speaks the universe into existence while Man speaks nonsense.
In case there’s any doubt, the apostle Paul reminds us in Hebrews 11:3 – “By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.”  (Also Psalm 33)

I guess we need faith to accept that God could do what seems impossible to us – make something from nothing, in that supernatural beginning.
Yes, it does take faith, but it’s not blind – it’s based on evidence. Notice how it’s real Science that supports this account of a supernatural beginning

…while religion destroys its credibility.  Almost unbelievable!

NEXT: God’s autograph

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