Wednesday, 27 January 2021


Finally we come to the end of Daniel’s last vision – chapter 12.

Notice that Chapters 10, 11 & 12 are all about one vision which, with incredible detail, walks him thru the future Persian and Greek empires. Daniel seems to understand the vision (10:1) but struggles at the end (12:8) as the vision merges almost seamlessly into End Times. (So do I!)

Let’s at least list what we can learn here...

  • Michael the archangel stands for Daniel’s people - Israel
  • A time of trouble is in store for them, like never before
  • Those in God’s book will be delivered – a remnant survive
  • It will be very decisive, even for the dead – raised to everlasting life or everlasting contempt. Take careful note, nothing here indicates resurrection of any other dead – ‘many will rise’
  • Many will travel extensively. (Approximately 500,000 people are airborne right now; approximately 12 million people go on a cruise each year; approximately 1.4 billion cars fill Earth’s roads – at least pre-COVID!)
  • Knowledge will increase. (Heard of the internet?)
  • The wise will shine, turning many to righteousness
  • Things will run their course for 3 ½ years until this king (11:36) has managed to scatter ‘the power of the holy people’
  • The wise will be purified, while the wicked won’t have a clue

Does that sound like God has given up on the nation of Israel, as many claim?

Finally we come to that mysterious Abomination of Desolation that will be set up (12:11) which we learn from the Olivet Discourse, will be ‘in the holy place’ (Matt 24:15) – 1,290 days after the daily sacrifice is taken away (9:27)

How long for? It looks like only for 45 days!                              

Maybe the ‘Great Tribulation’ (mega thlipsis – Matt 224:21) lasts for only 45 days, not 3 ½ years as many claim?

What will the Abomination of Desolation be?  Daniel doesn’t know, neither does Matthew and nor do I. Maybe it will depict sexual depravity based on Revelation 11:8.

What do you think?  


  1. What did you subtract from what to get the 45 days? I could never make any sense of the 1,290 days.

    1. We know from Dan 9:27 that there is a total of ~2520 days to run in the last Week of the prophecy. 1/2 way thru the sacrifices are stopped, so that leaves say 1260 days. 12:11 tells us that it will be actually 1290 after this stopping of sacrifices when the Abomination of Desolation is 'set up'. If you survive until 1335 days later there will be blessing. There is only 45 days between 1335 and 1290 days.
      Obviously the AoD will be set up 'last minute' but it will be so dangerous to hang around. The faithful must FLEE!
