At last we come to that hot topic: the 70th Week in Daniel 9:27...
Surely we can all agree that 69 of the 70 Weeks (i.e. 483 years) are now
history – leaving Messiah cut off, the last Israel saw of Him.
Watch carefully – there is no mention of the Church, no mention of dispensations – this is all about the nation of Israel.
Notice that the last person spoken of in v26 is ‘the prince that shall come’ but he is not identified (and certainly is NOT called antichrist). We know from history this was ‘Imperator Titus Flavius Caesar Vespasianus Augustus’ aka Vespasian, but there were many other Roman emperors called Caesar and his identity is not needed for this Jewish prince, Daniel.
You will also notice that this 70th Week has been kept discreet from the 69 Weeks prior, by none other than God’s angel Gabriel. There is a gap of AT LEAST 40 years because it must allow for time between Messiah being cut off and the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD.
How many years in total? We are not told: the ‘desolations determined’ are not specified. All we know is that the Jewish temple sanctuary has NOT existed since 70AD - even to today! Remember this is Jewish prophecy so we must read it as a Jew like Daniel would.
When we open
at v27 for the 70th Week we find this ‘prince’ back on the scene! It CANNOT be Messiah because He has been CUT
OFF after 69 Weeks (no mention of resurrection) and this would defy standard
English grammar anyway. This is just
like saying the U.S. President authorised the bombing of Hiroshima, and later...the
U.S. President authorised the embassy to be move to Jerusalem: more than 70
years apart.
Not only is the ‘Roman prince’ back on the scene but there MUST BE a new sanctuary in Jerusalem for ‘the sacrifice and oblation to cease’ halfway thru a 7 year covenant – never occurred before in history.
(No, this cannot refer to Jesus Christ’s
crucifixion bringing an end to sacrifices – they continued business as usual
until 70AD.)
Keep in mind – time is very short!
IN JUST SEVEN (7) YEARS, Israel must go from rejecting Messiah (v26) just as it is today..... to ALL 6 CONDITIONS (v24) met, including EVERLASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS!
Abominations that make desolate??
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