Friday, 7 August 2015

#3 ANTI-CHRIST - 'the desolator'

We go straight to Daniel 9: the only reference to the ‘mashiyach’ (Messiah the Prince), who will be ‘cut off’…. 
Who else gets a mention here?...’the people of a prince that shall come’: the Roman army under Titus sacked Jerusalem in 70 AD, resulting in ongoing Jewish desolation, as proved by nearly 2000 years of history. The Roman leader now re-emerges to confirm a pact with ‘the many’ (the Israeli nation) for 1 ‘week’ – a Jewish term for 7 years. 
(The coming 'Beast’ hasn’t done this yet!) 
What will he do? …He will stop the temple sacrifices half way thru the 7 years.     
(Today the Jews are ready to build this temple in Jerusalem.)                                                            
Is that all?...Is there anybody else mentioned here?...                                     
We need to go back to the Jewish Masoretic Text to find that Heb:‘shamem’ should have been translated as ‘desolator’, so that Daniel 9:27 would read more like this:
“…and with overspreading abominations, a desolator, even until the end, and that which was decreed shall be poured out on the desolator.”

Remember, this is Hebrew, so read from Right to Left, starting at the arrow
So ‘a desolator’ takes over the temple – a profane religious usurper.                    
Is this the religious ‘beast’ of Revelation 13?  Guess who will make war against the 2 witnesses in Jerusalem and kill them? Yep..."the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit"! (Revelation 11:7)

What about this 'abomination of desolation'?
Click on this link...

1 comment:

  1. Just by the way, Adventists really mangle this Scripture. They claim that it's the Messiah that is 'he' that "confirms the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease" (by dying on the cross after 3 1/2 years of ministry) with Stephen's death ending the covenant with the Jewish people 3 1/2 years later! Why do intelligent people fall for this guess-work and nonsense??
