We're looking at this 'rapture' business. Are those who scoff at this right?...or are they doing Satan's work, teaching what destroys our hope?
#2 ...TO US...OR FOR US?
This is how small that BIG 'OMG' Creator came to us; lying as a helpless babe in a borrowed feed-box to finally be nailed on a borrowed cross - for you and me.
#2 ...TO US...OR FOR US?
This is how small that BIG 'OMG' Creator came to us; lying as a helpless babe in a borrowed feed-box to finally be nailed on a borrowed cross - for you and me.
Notice that Jesus
dodged questions like: “How is it that you will manifest yourself to us and not
to the world?”
…and later: “Is it at this time that you restore the kingdom to Israel?”
…and later: “Is it at this time that you restore the kingdom to Israel?”
In the meantime??
“What I say to you, I say to all, WATCH.”
What did He say minutes before His arrest?
“I go to prepare you a place…I’m coming again and shall receive you to myself, that where I am you also may be.”
“In My Father’s house…” (Jn 14) - not on Earth!
“What I say to you, I say to all, WATCH.”
What did He say minutes before His arrest?
“I go to prepare you a place…I’m coming again and shall receive you to myself, that where I am you also may be.”
“In My Father’s house…” (Jn 14) - not on Earth!

It’s no
wonder many disciples thought Jesus would return for them before John
They were all expectant!
NEXT: Our hope...to be with Christ!
They were all expectant!
NEXT: Our hope...to be with Christ!
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