Let's aim to be as brief as we can because…ahh... pretty or funny - it aint.
We found that theories of evolution received instant acceptance thanks to the Church publicly endorsing the notion that geological processes took millions of years; this is now imbedded as 'fact' in educational textbooks, nature documentaries, national park signs, museums, zoo displays and...Bible colleges!...except the 'millions of years' somehow keep evolving too – just add more zeros!
We found that theories of evolution received instant acceptance thanks to the Church publicly endorsing the notion that geological processes took millions of years; this is now imbedded as 'fact' in educational textbooks, nature documentaries, national park signs, museums, zoo displays and...Bible colleges!...except the 'millions of years' somehow keep evolving too – just add more zeros!
At the end of our trail, let’s now take an overview of the awful legacies of the 'theory of evolution', thanks to the way it has fostered racism and devalued the sanctity of life, besides pushing the Creator out of the picture.
Prove it...you say?
Just ask the Australian aborigines who experienced at the end of a rifle, Darwinian theory practised in the field, except you are going to have to track down over 50,000 specimens in museums world-wide that they are reluctant to release for proper burial.
Just ask the Australian aborigines who experienced at the end of a rifle, Darwinian theory practised in the field, except you are going to have to track down over 50,000 specimens in museums world-wide that they are reluctant to release for proper burial.
No, we are not going to make scurrilous claims such as ‘all evolutionists are Nazi's or communists’. All we are going to do is look at some of the main players, hear some of what they are reported to have said and see how they ran with this theory - with appalling results: about 160 MILLION people died violently during the 20th Century thanks to war and genocide. That’s 7 times Australia’s total population wiped out violently in just one lifetime.
Herbert Spencer (1820-1903), an English philosopher presumed to write ‘Principles of Biology’ (1864) and coined the expression: ‘Survival of the fittest.’ How was this played out?
The founders of communist philosophy were Germans, Karl Heinrich Marx (1818-1883) a Jew from the Marx Levi family and Freidrich Engels (1820-1895) who jointly published their ‘Communist Manifesto’ in 1848 – the blueprint for future communist regimes based on Materialism, ‘Dialectics’ (development thru conflict) and racial superiority.
Engels: “Darwin is splendid!” and published an article:
‘The Part Played by Labour in the Transition from Ape to Man.’
‘The Part Played by Labour in the Transition from Ape to Man.’
Marx: “This is the book which contains the basis in natural history for our view.” “Darwin’s work is most important and suits my purpose in that it provides a basis in natural science for the historical class struggle….Despite all shortcomings, it is here that, for the first time, teleology (design for a purpose) in natural science is not only dealt a mortal blow but its rational meaning is empirically explained.”
Koncordie Amelie Dietrich (1821-1891), ‘the angel of black death’ was a German eugenicist who spent 10 years in Australia ‘arranging specimens’ of aborigines.
Leon Trotsky (Lev Davidovich Bronshtein 1879-1940) was born to Jewish parents but reinvented himself to become founder of Russia's Red Army.
"Darwin's discovery is the highest triumph in the whole field of organic matter."
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870-1924) a lawyer who led the world’s first communist uprising of Bolsheviks in October 1917.
Joseph Stalin (‘Man of Steel’ born Iosif Vissarionovich Djugashvili, 1879-1953) studied to be a priest in the Georgian Orthodox Church but presided over the murder and starvation of millions of his own countrymen.
“There we had to teach (seminary students) the age of the earth, the geological origins and Darwin’s teachings.”
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...even mums and kids |
Evolutionists like to distance themselves from the horrors of Nazism under Adolf Hitler but factual history has the final say:
no-one can deny the murder of Jews in the Holocaust, along with Jehovah's Witnesses, gypsies, homosexuals, the mentally ill…. all under the application of ‘Entwicklung’ - in a ‘Christian’ country.
In 1937, Western countries including Australia, USA and Britain refused to accept European Jews en mass before the Holocaust consumed 6 million of them.
no-one can deny the murder of Jews in the Holocaust, along with Jehovah's Witnesses, gypsies, homosexuals, the mentally ill…. all under the application of ‘Entwicklung’ - in a ‘Christian’ country.
In 1937, Western countries including Australia, USA and Britain refused to accept European Jews en mass before the Holocaust consumed 6 million of them.
Mao Zedong (1893-1976) “Chinese socialism is founded upon Darwin and the theory of evolution.”
Pol Pot (1925-1998) of the Khmer Rouge presided over the murder of millions of fellow Cambodians.
Other evils of the western world are rooted in the racism found in the ‘theory of evolution’: colonialism, slavery, and South African Apartheid.
USA and Germany practised eugenics which involves forced sterilization, selective breeding, and euthanasia. Let’s see what that lead to.
Apparently the number of violent deaths has declined in recent years. The weapons are now 'dirtier' or nuclear so nobody is game enough to push mankind’s self- destruct button. Apart from starvation or natural disaster, how else has life been cheapened?
Out of legitimate concern for destitute or abused mothers, Margaret Sanger (1879-1966) founded the Birth Control League in 1921 which became the Planned Parent Federation of America in 1942 but since her death this organisation has identified with the Pro-Choice lobby. Following the Roe vs. Wade case before the Supreme Court of USA in 1973, there are now about 125,000 abortions performed world-wide every day – some ‘full-term’ - with about 6 million so far this year.
Now at least 1 inconvenient child loses its right to life every second - day and night!
Here in New South Wales, an unborn wanted baby is now protected by law whereas an unwanted one is just a foetus. (By the way, a foetus has its own pulse from Day 20.) Our most vulnerable are now the most disposable - as biomedical waste.
Where did we find this tragic saga began?
With us Christians either messing with God’s Word at the earliest opportunity – the 11th word – or else just sitting on the fence rather than upholding the truth.
Where does our search trail end?
Photo credit: holocaustresearchproject.org
“Hey, you can’t hold us responsible for this legacy.” No?
ReplyDeleteAfter church (with no aborigines) we would go for a cruise for fun, through the aboriginal camps on the edge of town and gawk at the unfortunates of Cowra, Condoblin and Lake Cargelligo in western New South Wales.
“We weren’t racist - oh no, not us!”
Years later we would criticise John Howard’s government for refusing to apologise over the Stolen Generation.
God forgive our holy hypocrisy.