Saturday 11 June 2016


So Israel is back on the map since 14th May, 1948.

Did that catch God by surprise?

Of course not!  Way back in ~571BC - that’s 150 years after most of Israel had been marched off by the Assyrians - Ezekiel a Jewish priest held captive in Babylon prophesied that... 
one day Israel would be restored to their land...
...that’s ALL ISRAEL!                               
Israel as a nation no longer existed even then and had not been united since 992BC!

Israel restored just because Jews think they deserve a homeland?                                                                                         
No!  ‘The mountains, hills, rivers, valleys, desolate wastes and forsaken cities’ belong to GOD’S LAND – it had been shamed long enough by Israel profaning His Holy Name, so it’s time.
Even the national airline tells the whole world that Israel is back in business – just as Ezekiel prophesied over 2,500 years ago.

Now we have God’s Land still profaned and His Holy Name on every El Al airliner. In unbelief they like to think El Al means ‘upwards’...but their sacred text really means: ‘To the Most High’!        
" the MOST HIGH (El Al), none at all would exalt Him." Hosea 11:7  Remember we found Daniel’s timeline of 490 years left the Messiah crucified, Jerusalem sacked by Rome, and 7 years still to run. 

Will God really put the screws on Israel during those 7 years still ahead?

1 comment:

  1. What did Ezekiel say? Refer ch 36 & 37.

    El Al comes from Hosea 11:7..."My people are bent to backsliding from Me: though they called them to the Most High(El Al)none at all would exalt Him."
