Wednesday 5 June 2013


IOPNA looks at the 8th constellation in the Mazzaroth (Zodiac):

Align top to west
It looks like the next constellation on the ecliptic line is Aries but isn’t that the first constellation of the Zodiac - commencing with the northern spring equinox on March 21?

Well that’s what astrologers like to tell us but they’re getting ahead of themselves anyway. Thanks to the precession of Earth’s rotation the sun is still ‘in Pisces’ until a month later. It’s claimed that the sun was ‘in Aries’ when the Passover lamb was first killed and eaten which might explain why the Zodiac year commences with Aries - which by the way is Latin for ‘ram’.

Fair enough but Aries looks pretty insignificant in the night-sky. What about in the redemption story?

Abel offered the best of his flock, Abraham sacrificed a ram instead of Isaac his son, the Israelites sacrificed a lamb every morning and evening, the Passover was celebrated every year with the sacrifice of lambs and many of the offerings required the sacrifice of lambs.                                                    
John the Baptist identified Jesus as the Lamb of God – twice! Three years later Jesus was crucified on Passover Day on Mount Moriah – where Abraham was once about to sacrifice Isaac, 1900 years before! Finally ‘the Lamb that was slain’ is the only one worthy to open the seals of God’s judgment in Revelation.

Umm…not so insignificant after all.   
So which of Jacob’s family would have found something to identify with in Aries                                                
How about all of them! The Egyptians despised the Hebrews for being shepherds.

So what other constellations are associated with Aries?

Again, check this out for yourself, but I understand it is:

Cassiopeia, the woman enthroned - is that Israel in the future?

Cetus the monster - responsible for Israel’s bondage?

Perseus the warrior - holding the head of the enemy, just like David the shepherd holding Goliath’s head.

Wow!...this is all very graphic but what does it all mean?

Who can say? Perhaps after the bondage of Pisces there’s encouragement in Aries, especially for the godly remnant of Israel that eventually they will rule the world with their King, the Son of David.

So perhaps we have another episode: Life was victorious over death in Capricornus, then the blessing of living water flowed in Aquarius with the down side of bondage and persecution in Pisces but finally the Lamb of God receives due honour in Aries. The Lamb has won deliverance from the power of evil but obviously the story’s not over.

You said it – the King of kings does not reign supreme yet.

Next: Taurus leads the charge in the final episode

Image credits: Stellarium                                                                                                                                      

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