Following: "John, why write your letter?" we continue our study of John's 1st epistle...

Just like today, there were mystic theologians or 'Gnostics' in John's day who considered themselves very 'spiritual' with 'secret knowledge' and dismissive of the deity of Jesus Christ and His work of redemption. Their heresies infected the early Church, and still do today!
"What would a simple fisherman like Johnny Boy know?"
Let's see!...
Adel F-M: Sacrifice for others?
As for the '7', that's one of God's favourite prime numbers, so let's see if John's letter is 'heptadic': with a pattern of 7's...reading from ch1 vv5 thru 10...
Notice the 2 CONTRASTS here - light vs darkness, lie vs truth. (There's more to come!)
As for God, He is light...while we are sinners in need of cleansing and ongoing confession.
What's the basis for fellowship with God and each other?...none other than the blood of Jesus Christ.
Notice also 2 TESTS for us: (There's more of these too!)
walking in light, and honesty about our sinnership.
Just maybe John is challenging nominal Christians here?
Just maybe John is challenging nominal Christians here?
It's good to remember what Jesus said of Himself:
"I AM the Light of the world"! Jn 8:12
(1 of those 7x I AM's - there's that number 7 again) and check Jn 1:4-9
Earlier blogs appear in the archive list at right. The conversation continues at Guv's Desk on Facebook...
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