Getting back to this Exclusive Brethren sect or
whatever you want to call it – ‘Plymouth Brethren Christian Church’…let’s see
if it really is Christian.
What happened to your father’s family was appalling but what about since then?
What happened to your father’s family was appalling but what about since then?
Even though the
Brethren will never publicly admit to having broken up families, they have made
some private apologies years later.
So they’re being dishonest??I’ll leave you to decide that. My father-in-law had grown up in a farming family but found employment as a motor mechanic after his father suffered a serious accident. Eventually he established a business making Robinhood rangehoods and gave quite a few people employment, especially Brethren. In 1980 he was accused by their ‘elect vessel’ leader of operating a business organisation that rivalled the Church so was ex-communicated for 6 years, losing contact with their daughter still at high school. The only Brethren employee who didn’t walk out was then ex-communicated too.
I was a commission
agent for Robinhood Industries but felt compelled to give that up. Two years later
I questioned a botched discipline matter only to find my wife and I ‘confined’
according to:
"Now we enjoin you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
that ye withdraw from (stello:avoid) every brother walking
disorderly and not according to the instruction which he received from us…..But
if any one obey not our word by the letter, mark that man, and do not keep
company with him, that he may be ashamed of himself; and do not esteem him as
an enemy, but admonish him as a brother." 2 Thessalonians 3
…then ex-communicated
for 3 years after trying to appeal to the ‘elect vessel’ leader in USA.
Man, somebody sure had it in for your family
didn’t they! So what happened to your immediate family?
As was the custom, we had
allowed two of our boys to live meanwhile with the Brethren but finally the
oldest went off to do his own thing – he’d had enough.
I don’t blame him!...and then?
After 3 more years back
in the fellowship I found myself being publicly censured for trying to send him
photos of himself that he’d asked us for. When I challenged that injustice we
were ex-communicated again for being ‘contentious’. Expecting that it would all be quickly
sorted out once more, we reluctantly let the next two sons leave home to live
with the Brethren, but it took 13 years for the elders to admit they’d got it
Surely your family has now been happily reunited
or is at least on speaking terms?
Both sons are now
married and as far as we know, working for the current ‘elect vessel’ leader in
Sydney. We briefly met one of the families under strict supervision 12 years
ago; as for the other son’s family, we have seen him only twice in 20 years -
the last time 15 years ago, and have never set eyes on his wife or 3 children.
Why??...surely the apologies have been made….jpg)
Why this is unbelievable stuff!! How do these people justify wrecking families like this and then expect ‘charitable status’ recognition?
They claim their
charter is:
"Let every one who names the name of the Lord withdraw from
iniquity" 2 Timothy 2:19
Huh! If you ask me this church dishonours the
name of the Lord, is iniquitous and you’re better off where you are - out of
there!NEXT: Exclusive or separate?
Click on:
Our family happily re-united?? To this day, our 4 sons have NEVER been together under one roof - EVER!!....nevermind the daughters-in-law or the 15 grandchildren that we know of.