Saturday, 28 May 2016


Young Daniel, a Jewish prince, finds himself on death-row in Babylon…unless he can tell King Nebuchadnezzar what the king dreamt last week!                                       

Fair go….how did it possibly come to this?                                                                                       
Some 800 years after Moses warned Israel, God has had enough of Israel for a while, removes His presence from their temple and hands authority over to the Babylonian Empire!   

Now this is the image that King Neb saw…

He learns thru Daniel that the head of gold represents Babylon...
which will be taken over by a kingdom of silver...
then a kingdom of bronze...
and finally will come a kingdom as strong as iron.

As history unfolded, these empires that have subjugated the Jews have proved to be: Babylon, Medio-Persia, Greece and Rome – which survives albeit fragmented today!       

What happens to the statue?   

We are going to see one day!....

“In the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed…it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.”

Like an onion being peeled open, we will zoom in on the details progressively revealed throughout Daniel’s lifetime…but he had to wait nearly 50 years for the next instalment.  (Hopefully you won’t!) 

That was King Neb's view but how does heaven see it?
Click on:

Sunday, 22 May 2016


At 120 years of age, did old Moses really know what he was talking about?
Let’s see if what he said would happen to Israel, did really happen….

  • Israel would turn to idolatry                                                                           
Jeroboam led 10 tribes of Israel into idolatry in 930 BC
  • Disobey and you will be taken captive                                                                
Assyrians destroyed the kingdom of Israel in 722 BC                                  
Babylonians destroyed the kingdom of Judah in 586 BC
  • “A far off nation will come…as swift as the eagle flies”                                  
Roman general Pompey took Jerusalem in 63 BC
  • “He shall besiege thee…” - causing mass starvation, disease and death         
Roman general Titus sacked Jerusalem in 70 AD, after a brutal 2 year siege
  • “The Lord shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth even unto the other”                                                                                         
Diaspora was forced on the Jews in 70 AD then 135 AD
  • “The Lord shall bring thee again into Egypt with ships…there ye shall be sold”  
The Romans took Jewish captives back to Egypt and sold them as slaves
  • “The Lord rooted them out of their land in anger…”                                          
Israel wasn’t back on the map until 14th May 1948 - after 1878 years of exile! 

Well that’s nearly 3000 years of history Moses accurately predicted.  
What if Israel will repent?

·   “The Lord thy God will turn thy captivity…and gather thee from all the nations” 
      …which hasn’t happened yet - the partial return has been in unbelief                                                                                                      
Moses also left a bonus!
     Mankind was scattered from Babel into nations according to the same number of Jacob’s family that moved to Egypt – 70.
Huh? Why? Psalm 47 tells us…
“He shall subdue the people under us, and the nations under our feet.”
What!!? Israel will one day rule the world?               
Yes, just as the name Israel says: ‘ruling with God’.
No wonder this world doesn’t want to know about Jewish prophecy!...even many Christians don't want to know - they claim to have replaced Israel, making God the biggest liar of all.

Yup! Moses was a real prophet.
"There arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses, who the Lord knew face to face."

Some 800 years later, God has had enough of Israel for a while...He hands authority to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon by way of a dream!...

Friday, 20 May 2016

#1 Telling the END from the BEGINNING

We could argue all day over religion, but no-one can argue with HISTORY! …because no-one can re-write it.
A Jewish prophet called Isaiah recorded this in about 700 BC:
“…I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done…”

So let’s start with what was said in the Beginning…
  • Adam would die if he ate the banned fruit..He died at 930
  • Noah was given 120 years warning…….…then the Great Flood came
  • Abraham would father a great nation.……..Isaac was born after 25 years
  • Ishmael would have 12 sons………………..and he died in front of them
  • Egypt’s 7 years of plenty then famine……...seen in murals today!
  • Jacob’s family would be enslaved in Egypt...until the Exodus
  • Hebrews would be rescued from slavery… possess their land

…and those long-term prophecies?
  • Eve’s offspring would defeat the devil….Jesus Christ rose from the dead!
  • Bless Abraham’s family and you will be blessed; curse Abraham’s family and look out! Every empire in history that has mistreated the Jews has collapsed – Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Rome, Holy Roman Empire and in modern times – Ottoman, Germany’s Third Reich, USSR, Britain… Will the European Union learn from this?
    • 'The scepter will not depart from Judah'...........Messiah is King of the Jews
    • Jacob’s blessings on his sons are being fulfilled even today, with Israel at last onto the oil and gas from under the Mediterranean Sea. Guess who is getting very jealous....Russia and her Muslim allies - just as Isaiah predicted!

    Now who could miss this - heard in labour wards world-wide today…
    • Mothers would travail in childbirth

     So what about those prophecies not fulfilled yet?
    • Will the coming ‘anti-Christ’ emerge from the tribe of Dan?
    • Believe it or not, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob’s family will one day inherit all of the land between the brook of Egypt and the Euphrates River.          Look out, Syria & Jordan! Damascus will be ‘a heap of ruins’.
    NEXT: Did old Moses know what he was talking about? Click on: