“Dispensationalism? I bet that’s not in the Bible!”

The Greek word ‘oikonomia’ occurs 4 times in the New Testament, translated as administration, economy or dispensation.
The whole Bible is about God’s redemption plan behind His dispensations!
Ever heard of democracy? communism? dictatorship?...these are styles of government or administration.
In the same way God has passed Man thru various administrations
or dispensations to test him.
walk thru the Bible and find them…
1. INNOCENCE Adam was innocent until
he accepted his lovely wife’s offer rather than obey God’s one and only rule. Genesis 1 - 3
then knew good from evil but too soon the very first baby grew up to murder his
own brother! Genesis 4 - 8
the Great Flood, a new start with a new deal and new authority but o’oh!... Noah’s
family behaves shamefully. Genesis 8 - 11
believed God’s unconditional promises of blessing, only to wander off to Egypt
and take a second wife. Those promises are yet to be fulfilled! Genesis 12 - Exodus 19
LAW Israel
promised to keep God’s commandments but quickly fell into idolatry.
Israel rejected the only Man that fulfilled the Law – their Messiah. Exodus 20 - Acts 1
Israel rejected the only Man that fulfilled the Law – their Messiah. Exodus 20 - Acts 1
Christian Church soon fell from grace and split. There are now thousands of
denominations, many embracing apostasy. Acts 2 - Revelation 3
1000 year reign of our Lord Jesus Christ will end in ultimate rebellion of Man. Revelation 20
No matter
what terms God offers Man he fails, while God’s love will never fail. In the end He will have proved: "No matter what - you guys fail. I gave you innocence, then a conscience, then a new start with governmental authority, then My promises, then My laws - I even paid your penalty and offered My grace, then flawless government and you always rebelled. This is why I have clothed you with My righteousness of Jesus Christ."
Yes, ignore
God’s dispensations and you finish up totally confused over Israel’s destiny
and the Church’s hope.
You actually make
a liar of God!
Notice the gap...Revelation 4 thru 19...the true Church is no longer on Earth which now is subject to judgment under the Tribulation.
Notice the gap...Revelation 4 thru 19...the true Church is no longer on Earth which now is subject to judgment under the Tribulation.