Friday, 12 February 2016


IF…there really was a catastrophic global flood 4,360 years ago, what could we expect to see today as rock-solid proof?

Taiwan 2016
Japan 2012
...even Uluru in Central Australia!

Uluru, Northern Territory, Australia

Grand Canyon USA
In particular we could expect…
  • Fractures in Earth’s crust – Catastrophic Plate Tectonics – giving rise to earthquakes & tsunamis
  • Vast continental layers of sedimentary rock
  • Mineral deposits far from their source rock
  • Lack of erosion between sedimentary layers
  • Rock folded while plastic without cracking
  • Lack of soil layers between rock layers
  • Violent upheaval of sedimentary rock e.g. Uluru
  • Plastic when folded
  • Magnetic field reversals recorded in igneous rock 

Which is what we see today!

By the way…remember Mt. St. Helens erupting in 1980?
Mt. St. Helens aftermath
·       How quickly can a canyon be made?.....1 afternoon!
·       How long does mud take to turn into solid rock…only about 5 months!

Monday, 8 February 2016


If… only Noah’s family of 8 survived a global flood, we would expect…
  • women worldwide to pass on to their progeny 1 of only 3 types of mitochondrial DNA, from the 3 child-bearing daughters-in-law of Noah
  • and all men worldwide to carry the identical Y-chromosome from Noah

Geneticists tell us this is the case! 

We all received mitochondrial DNA from our mothers – either type M, N or R – as the energy program within our cells.                       
We all carry proof in our genotype of a maternal link to one of Noah’s daughters-in-law!

Just by the way….                                                                              
If there had been a massive reduction or ‘bottle neck’ in Earth’s population 4,360 years ago due to a global flood, what would we NOT expect to see?...
  • So many billions of people on Earth that there is not even standing room, let alone food to eat
  • Vast cemeteries containing billions of human remains
…which of course we DON’T see because there MUST have been such a catastrophe to reduce the world’s population.

Okay, how about some rock-solid proof...

Thursday, 4 February 2016


What have we discovered so far about Noah’s ark in the Great Flood?
  • Noah’s ark was a floating zoo commissioned by God 
  • The ark’s proportions were optimal for seaworthy stability
  • God as captain, assembled the passengers and livestock cargo, ordered loading, then closed the door 7 days later            
  • God wasn’t joking - He covered the whole earth with water
  • After the ark ran aground, Noah’s family was given a new start – new earth, new climate, new authority, new diet, new contract….then failure again! (...and yet today, many theologians argue there are no dispensations)
  • Thanks to Noah’s son Shem, we have eyewitness record preserved by the nation of Israel
Today, people deny the Great Flood ever happened!            
What else can we learn, thanks to those who personally knew Jesus Christ?
  • Noah trusted God to deliver but he moved with ‘eulabeomai’: apprehension – this monstrous barn was expected to float!
  • It was predicted nearly 2000 years ago that people today would scoff at Jesus Christ’s second coming, at Creation and the Great Flood! (Did the apostle Peter get that right?)
  • Now God maintains the universe until it will be burnt up with fire.         The ‘big bang’ comes at the end!

Just like in the Great Flood…
  • God delays because He wants all to repent and not perish!
  • The ark is an illustration of our salvation by the power of Christ’s resurrection. He is ‘The Door’!
  • When Jesus Christ makes His move it will be sudden and unexpected!
  • People will be busy in legitimate activity like weddings
  • When Jesus Christ make His move – some will be taken but the others will be left behind!

Now this may seem strange, even inexplicable…                  
The apostle Peter tells us that Jesus Christ, by the Spirit, went and preached to the ‘spirits in prison’ that in the past had been disobedient when the ark was being built.
Uhh? Does this mean that those who drowned in the Great Flood heard Christ’s message of salvation later on?

What we can be sure of is that millions upon millions of people will believe the gospel preached during the coming Tribulation – after the rescue of the true Church…as if taken away in an ark.

“Behold the goodness & severity of God that leads men to repentance!”

Alright then...where's the proof of this global flood?