Saturday, 30 January 2016


The ark has run aground and the flood has gone, so God orders Noah: “Out you go!”

“Bewdy!...why not just get on with life as before?          
Hey Noah, why not round up those ‘clean animals’ and start a ranch?” 

Without being told, Noah sacrifices some of those valuable animals on the first altar, showing he accepts that God is justified in His judgments.

Man has gone from innocence in the Garden of Eden to now having a conscience but some theologians argue there is no such thing as ‘dispensations’ in the Bible. Let’s see what’s new from here on…
  • Man must now distinguish clean vs unclean
  • Man now has governmental authority for capital punishment of murderers. Even animals that kill people must be killed.
  • animals now fear man and any animal is fair game for food
  • climate change? We have the first mention of clouds!

Hang about!  The voyage may be over but what happened to that contract God promised?

Never again…will there be a global flood. That’s unconditional!   
So what is the seal of this contract?...the rainbow in the clouds.

Even though God knows Man’s heart is still evil, He decides to maintain the sun for the benefit of life on Earth.                                  
What else stays the same?                   
God’s expectation of Man: made in the image of God he is meant to fill the earth.  Oh and don’t forget: life is in the blood.

Alas, Man’s sinful nature continues. 
Today…is anything sacred? Is the sanctity of human life upheld? Are murderers always executed?
The rainbow is now flaunted as 'gay pride' in Jerusalem, the City of the Great King!

NEXT…What does it mean for us?


Friday, 22 January 2016


First of all, who wrote the record of Genesis?                             
Moses did – Jesus Christ tells us so! (John 7:22)           
Moses was highly educated: “learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and deeds” (Acts 7:22) and he assembled 11 family history records (Heb: toledoths).

So…who was there in Noah’s ark to pass on an eye-witness account to his descendants?                                                   
SHEM.  He was 98 at the time, lived for another 502 years to outlive 7 direct descendants, and died when Jacob (Israel) was 50 ! 
Furthermore, Shem saw 15 generations altogether, having also known those who had known Adam!                                                       
Shem is the direct link, along with his great-grandfather Methuselah, between Creation, the great Flood and the birth of the nation of Israel - that is back in business today!

Noah’s family toledoth tells us exactly what happened and when...

  • The Great Flood commenced on 17th of 2nd month, (1656 years after Creation) when Noah was 600 years old
  • 150 days later the water started to decrease after God made a wind to pass over the waters
  • The Ark ‘ran aground’ – 17th of 7th month 
  • Mountain tops were visible – 1st of 10th month
  • After 40 days a raven was released
  • A dove was also released, then again after 1 week, then again after another week (the same 7 day weekly cycle we have used ever since Creation!)
  • New Years Day – dry ground!
  • On 27th of 2nd month God gave the order: “Go out”

This is eye-witness from those who were there in the ark during the Great Flood….that is denied by people who weren’t there.

By the way…                                                                                  
We are later told some ugly family truths about Noah’s family, which only add to the credibility of his toledoth.                                
Would you tell your family story, ‘warts and all’?

A new start, but will Man be any different? on the link:

Sunday, 17 January 2016


Noah has followed God’s specs to build this enormous ‘ark’, the passenger list is ready - only 8! (no other takers??)...and the livestock cargo has arrived.

Now God gives him 7 days to load.

Poor Noah!...he’s looking more ridiculous every day:                
“Hey Noah, how far do you think you’re going to get in that oversized barn? 
Are the oceans going to come and float you off someday? HAHAHA!”

No sooner has God shut the door and down comes the rain - nonstop – for 40 days and 40 nights. That’s enough for a local flood, but wait – there’s more coming…                                                              
Not only were the ‘windows of heaven’ opened….                   
ALL the fountains of the great deep were broken up!

Now there is enough water to cover all the then mountains by at least 15 cubits (7 metres) for 150 days!

Where’s the proof of that? 
Mt Everest is now 8848 metres, 29,029 ft above sea level with marine fossils embedded in its rocks!
If the Earth’s surface was flattened there would be a global ocean 2.7 kms deep.

No…God wasn’t joking after all. 

NEXT...Who was there to see the Flood?

Sunday, 10 January 2016


At the risk of starting World War III, let’s take a look at what the apostle Paul had to say about head coverings in 1 Corinthians 11:
(…with typical responses)

  • ·       We’d better take notice of Paul
(“Unless it clashes with our enlightened culture”)
  • ·       The order of authority is God – Christ – Man – Woman
(“What a male chauvinist! Women are equal to men or better!”)
  • ·       A man should pray with head uncovered
  • ·       A woman should pray with head covered
(“No, that’s up to her”)
  • ·       At Creation, Woman was made from Man, for Man     Whoa!... how popular would that be today?
  • ·       Angels need to see women recognising authority
(“Huh? What authority?”)
  • ·       Man and Woman complement – Men are born by a woman fathered by a man   
(“DUH! That's obvious. At least he's now talking sense”)
  • ·       For example, long hair enhances a woman but disgraces a man
(“That's just Paul’s opinion!”)
  • ·       No church of God tolerates arguments over this code
(“Oh, I think it just means: let’s not argue over head coverings”)

(“Anyway, Paul was writing to people in Corinth - not us!”)…..let’s check that:

  • “To the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place all upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, both theirs and ours” ch1:2
  • …and by the way, Paul also said:“the things that I write to you are the commandments of the Lord.”

Some questions for us to consider…
Are we mindful of Paul today?...or do we ignore his directions when it doesn’t suit us?
Is this teaching suited only to the culture of Paul’s day?.... or is it based on Creation?
Is Paul saying women are inferior?
Does Paul say that if a woman has long hair she can disregard everything he said earlier about having her head covered to pray?
Are husbands and wives mentioned here? No? (So this applies to all men and women whether married or not.)
If a church building is dedicated ‘To the Glory of God’ and women are ‘man’s glory’, should women be modestly covered?...or wear whatever they like in God’s house?

The big one...
Is the church that scoffs at this biblical teaching really a 'church of God'?

Thursday, 7 January 2016


...when the whole world is going into liquidation!

We left Noah with the specs to build his 3-story bunker, except….    
God means it to be seaworthy!   
“I bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy ALL flesh, wherein is the breath of life…”                                                                                  
This is no local flood. Everything that breathes but not in this ‘ark’ will die. (Fish will have to fend for themselves and also all insects and spiders – they oxygenate thru spiracles in the abdomen.)

Imagine watching a monstrous timber ship being built inland.       
If you think that sounds ridiculous, check out the passenger list & cargo manifest:
  • Only 8 persons on board: Noah and Mrs Noah, 3 sons and their wives
  • 7 pairs of ‘clean’ land animals – male & female
  • 7 pairs of all birds – m&f
  • 1 pair of all other land animals – m&f 

So how are they supposed to round up all those animals? 
Guess what, they don’t have to!                                                     
For the second time God steps in personally…            
to deliver them to the door - which He will personally close after boarding!
“…two of every sort will come unto you, to keep them alive.”

Hang about!…                                              
How did all those animals fit in?                            
With a load capacity of ~40,000 cubic metres and ~15,000 tons – easily!  Only about 16,000 juvenile animals were required to re-populate the earth with all of its species.

So far we know the vessel’s basic design and dimensions, the passenger identities, the cargo manifest, and the voyage description – a floating zoo on a world cruise!    

There’s another strange twist to this deal…                                 
the contract will be made at the end of the voyage! 

Was God joking? on: