Friday, 25 September 2015


So we found that Yeshua Mashiach (Jesus Christ) met the TANAKH specs as He rode the donkey and its colt into Jerusalem. 
Let’s check with Mattityahu (Matthew) and Yochanan (John) and see if His death also fulfilled those extra prophetic clues on the execution of ‘Mashiach’… (Dani’el 9:25)

After ‘Yeshua entered the temple grounds and drove out those who were doing business there’ it was beyond human control:

Be rejected by Jewish leaders
“What s’mikkah do you have…? Who gave you this  s’mikkah?” (authority)
Be praised by children
‘…children crying out in the temple: “Hosanna (save us), Son of David!”’
Be betrayed by a close friend
Y’hudah from K’riot (Judas Iscariot): “What are you willing to give me if I turn Yeshua over to you?”
Betrayed for 30 pieces of silver, used to buy the potter’s field
‘They appointed to him 30 pieces of silver’                 ‘They bought with them the field of the potter…’
Be forsaken by friends
‘Then the talmidim (disciples) all deserted Him and ran away.’
Jew & Gentile plot against Him
 ‘That day Herod and Pilate became friends with each other…’ The Jews: “We have no king but Caesar” 
Slapped, spat on, mocked, beaten
‘They spit in His face and pounded Him with their fists’
‘They mocked him: “Hail, King of the Jews!’’’
‘Pilate then took Yeshua and [had Him] flogged.’
*Actually it seems that Pilate flogged Yeshua himself!
Stripped naked
‘…soldiers took His clothes…”Let us not tear the body-coat… let’s draw lots for it…”’
Executed by crucifixion
‘Led Him away to be crucified’                  
‘There they nailed Him to the stake…’
Offered vinegar for thirst
‘…having filled a sponge with vinegar, and putting hyssop around it, they put it up to His mouth…’
No bones broken
‘…when they saw that He was already dead they did not break His legs…’
‘…one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately there came out blood and water.’
Buried as a rich man
‘…in the garden was a new tomb…where they buried Yeshua.’
Raised from the dead
‘Early on the first day of the week…the stone had been removed from the tomb…’
Ascend to the right hand of God
‘The Lord Yeshua was taken up into heaven and sat at the right hand of God.’  (Mark 16)
Gentiles believe on Him
“God has enabled the Goyim (Gentiles) as well to do t’shuvah (repent) and have life!”  (Acts 11:18)

…but who forced their hand at Passover, on the worst possible day with Jerusalem full of visitors and troops expecting the Jewish Messiah to finally show up?

Yesha’yahu (Isaiah) 53 describes Someone... 
…different to others, despised, a man of sorrows, not highly esteemed, arrested, bruised, silent before His accusers, flogged, executed as a criminal, given a rich man’s burial, rose from the dead…(taboo in Jewish synagogues)

Who is He?

"I am innocent"
By the way…who flogged Yeshua (Jesus)?       
Pontius Pilate’s wife warned her husband, so he then washed his hands in mock innocence ‘of the blood of this just person’. The injustice is appalling but did he actually then get up off his Judgment Seat to personally flog Jesus himself to save his own skin?         
The barbarity of this governor is incredible.                                                                                 
'He had done no violence' - Isaiah 53:9

(Check for yourself: Matt 27:26 ; Mark 15:15 ; Luke 23:22 ; John 19:1 but make sure you use a more reliable translation such as Received Text, Authorised King James KJV, New King James Version NKJV, English Standard ESV, J.N.Darby...
The New American Standard NASB agrees only at John 19:1.
Not surprising...New International NIV, New Living NLT, and The Message have altered the meaning.)

Thursday, 24 September 2015


So we found the TANAKH (OT) tells us when the Anointed One - ‘Messiah’ - would arrive and gave some very tight specs He must meet.
Let’s open the B’rit Hadashah (NT) and meet this Yeshua Mashiach (Jesus Christ) that most Jews reject (but don’t know why!) …

Mattityahu boldly introduces Him: “Yeshua Mashiach, ben David, ben Avraham”! (Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham – Matthew 1:1)

Was the Jewish Messiah expected about this time?          
Absolutely! Daniel's prophecy claimed He must arrive 62+7=69 'weeks' or 483 years from the rebuilding of the temple after the Babylonian Captivity.                                                                                                       
  • Magi from the east: “Where is the newborn King of the Jews?”      
  • Old Shim’on (Simeon) made a b’rakhah (blessing) to God: “…your yeshu’ah (salvation)revelation to the Goyim (Gentiles)glory to your people Isra’el.”                                                    
  • Yochanan the Immerser (John the Baptist): “Look! God’s Lamb!"
  • Andrew, to his brother Shim’on: “We’ve found the Mashiach!” 
  • Natan’el: “Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Isra’el!" 
  • A woman of Shomron (Samaria): “I know that Mashiach is coming…” and the reply?... “I am He”.
How about those tight specs the TANAKH gave? Let’s look in the writings of Mattityahu and Yochanan(Matthew & John)…

Belong to tribe of Judah
Yosef, a son of Y’hudah.  Miryam, a daughter of Y’hudah. Both!
Son of David
Yosef, a son of DavidMiryam, a daughter of David. Both!
Born Bethlehem
Yeshuah was born in Beit-Lechem’
Born of a virgin
Miryam – ‘a virgin engaged to a man named Yosef’
From Egypt
Yosef was ordered: “escape to Egypt” then later “go to Eretz-Yisra’el
Announced by messenger

Yochanan the Immerser: “Prepare ye the way of Adonai…”
Publicly anointed by God
‘…the Spirit of God descending upon Yeshua like a dove…’

“This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”
Identify with Galilee
Yeshua went all over the Galil teaching in their synagogues…’
Will heal many people
Yeshua…healing every kind of disease and every bodily weakness’
Enter  city on a donkey
‘…the donkey and the colt…Yeshua sat on them’
Where's the colt?

Yeshua met all those specs – beyond human control!
Oh you say: “Anybody could have ridden a donkey into Jerusalem."
Have you ever tried to ride side-saddle on a donkey and her unbroken colt?…together?...without the saddle?

A very public anointing!
So did Yeshua fulfil those prophecies in the TANAKH  about the execution of the Mashiach?...
Click on the link below

Monday, 21 September 2015


Before we look further for the Jewish Messiah, let's check out a Sabbath service...

While at sea on a cruise last year the Christian Fellowship meetings were hijacked by charismatics who claimed: ‘the Holy Spirit is going to set this ship on fire with sparks coming out the funnels’!    
(Meanwhile the ship’s entertainment carried on promoting Darwin’s evolution.)

In desperation I asked if I could attend a Jewish Sabbath service and was warmly welcomed, the only condition being that I wear a kippuh (prayer cap). No problem.

The Jews on-board greeted each other with “Shabbat Shalom” (Sabbath peace) then an elderly woman in a wheelchair proceeded to light 2 candles with much reverence. 
No sloppy behaviour or dress here!

An elderly man then read from the Siddur (prayer book) and gave the Kiddush blessing over the cups of wine and the challah (plaited loaf) the ship’s company had provided. 
It was so meaningful, as if we were celebrating Holy Communion at the Lord’s Supper. In case you didn’t know, God spoke to Jeremiah about the comfort of breaking bread and sharing the ‘cup of consolation’ in chapter 16, verse 7.

At the conclusion another elderly man explained to me what had taken place so I asked him why they used a loaf and cup of wine.         
He told me it was just considered a good way to end the week.      
The simple reverence of this ancient tradition was profound – I just wished that these people knew the significance of their celebration.

I thanked the reader of the Siddur and asked him: “Why don’t you people accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah?”
His answer??
“I don’t know.”

NEXT...we ignore taboos and open the B'rit Hadashah (NT)

Saturday, 19 September 2015


We’re looking for the Jewish ‘Messiah’ - a Son of David who identified with despised Galilee after returning from Egypt, who was announced, who was identified by God, who healed many people and who finally rode a donkey into Jerusalem – right on time – before the Romans destroyed the city in AD70. Don’t forget He also had to have been born of a virgin!

What does the TANAKH (OT) say would happen to Him next?...and yes, that includes Isaiah 53 - taboo in Jewish synagogues.                              
He will..
·       enter the temple with authority
·       be rejected by Jewish leaders
·       be betrayed by a close friend
·       be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver, used to buy the potter’s field
·       be forsaken by friends
·       be plotted against by Jewish and Gentile leaders
·       be slapped, beard ripped, spat on, mocked, beaten
·       be flogged as a criminal. Isaiah 53
·       be executed by crucifixion, hands and feet pierced
·       offered vinegar to relieve thirst
·       be unrecognisable
·       as the Passover Lamb, have no bones broken
·       be speared
·       be buried as a rich man. Isaiah 53
·       be raised from the dead. Isaiah 53
·       ascend to the right hand of God
·       be accepted by Gentiles
…most of which He will have no human control over!

So let’s see if anyone exactly fitted the description written centuries before, but first we’re going to look in on a Jewish Sabbath service…….click on:

Thursday, 17 September 2015


We found in chapter 9 of Daniel’s prophecy that the ‘Messiah’ would be executed 483 years after the Persian king Artaxerxes I Longimanus authorised the re-build of Jerusalem - before the city would be destroyed again, by the Romans in AD 70.                                                                                                                    
The Jewish TANAKH (Old Testament) gives many clues to help us identify this Jewish ‘Messiah’…
·       The original Mr. Israel said the royal line will always belong to Judah
·       The throne will always belong to the family of David
·       The ultimate ‘leader’ will be born in Bethlehem
·       He will be so special He will be born of a virgin!
·       He will return from Egypt
·       He will be announced by a messenger
·       He will be anointed by the Spirit of God
·       He will bring hope to Galilee
·       He will heal many people
·       Finally He will enter Jerusalem on a donkey

So we need to look for a Son of David, born in Bethlehem, who identified with despised Galilee after returning from Egypt, who was announced, who was identified by God, who healed people and who finally rode a donkey into the city – right on time.                      
The virgin about to give birth
That’s a pretty tight spec...oh and don't forget...He had to be born of a virgin!

What will happen to Him?                                                        
Let’s look for more clues in the TANAKH…
Click on the link:

Tuesday, 15 September 2015


Where do we go to find ‘the Messiah’?

Towards the end of the 70 year Babylonian Captivity, the angel Gabriel told Daniel the elderly Jew that Mashiach Nagid or ‘Messiah the Prince’ was coming. (Daniel 9:25)
Daniel must have thought: “How wonderful! At last king David’s throne will be restored and God’s promise to establish the kingdom forever will be realised.” (2 Sam 7)
But… no sooner has He arrived… “Messiah shall be cut off”!               
Why??  Surely this long-awaited Prince will not be executed?                   
Afraid so…                                                                                                 

Gabriel then added: “ayin” – meaning either ‘for nothing’ or more likely, ‘with nothing’.
The innocent Anointed Prince will be executed?...with not even His own clothes??  Unthinkable!!
Who is this? Just a prophet?

Daniel was even told the year in which this would happen!...69 ‘weeks’ of years after the order to rebuild Jerusalem. This authority was given by Persian king, Artaxerxes I Longimanus, to Nehemiah his Jewish cupbearer. (Nehemiah ch2)

Not only that, Jerusalem and its temple would then be destroyed – again!!

Which prince was stripped and executed in Jerusalem, 483 years after the rebuild of Jerusalem?...and BEFORE the Romans sacked the city in AD 70.                                                                                          
Let’s look for more clues…. Click the link: