So we found
that Yeshua Mashiach (Jesus Christ)
met the TANAKH specs as He rode the
donkey and its colt into Jerusalem.
Let’s check with Mattityahu (Matthew) and Yochanan (John) and see if His death also fulfilled those
extra prophetic clues on the execution of ‘Mashiach’…
(Dani’el 9:25)
After ‘Yeshua entered the temple grounds and
drove out those who were doing business there’
it was beyond human control:
Be rejected by Jewish leaders
“What s’mikkah do you have…? Who gave you this s’mikkah?”
Be praised by children
‘…children crying out in the temple: “Hosanna (save us), Son of David!”’
Be betrayed by a close friend
Y’hudah from K’riot (Judas
Iscariot): “What are you willing to give me if I turn Yeshua over to you?”
Betrayed for 30 pieces of silver, used
to buy the potter’s field
‘They appointed to him 30 pieces of
silver’ ‘They bought
with them the field of the potter…’
Be forsaken by friends
‘Then the talmidim (disciples) all deserted Him and ran away.’
Jew & Gentile plot against Him
‘That day Herod and Pilate became friends
with each other…’ The Jews: “We have no king but Caesar”
Slapped, spat on, mocked, beaten
‘They spit in His face and pounded Him
with their fists’
‘They mocked him: “Hail, King of the
‘Pilate then took Yeshua and [had Him] flogged.’
it seems that Pilate flogged Yeshua
Stripped naked
‘…soldiers took His clothes…”Let us
not tear the body-coat… let’s draw lots for it…”’
Executed by crucifixion
‘Led Him away to be crucified’
they nailed Him to the stake…’
Offered vinegar for thirst
‘…having filled a sponge with vinegar,
and putting hyssop around it, they put it up to His mouth…’
No bones broken
‘…when they saw that He was already
dead they did not break His legs…’
‘…one of the soldiers pierced His side
with a spear, and immediately there came out blood and water.’
Buried as a rich man
‘…in the garden was a new tomb…where
they buried Yeshua.’
Raised from the dead
‘Early on the first day of the
week…the stone had been removed from the tomb…’
Ascend to the right hand of God
‘The Lord Yeshua was taken up into heaven and sat at the right hand of
God.’ (Mark 16)
Gentiles believe on Him
“God has enabled the Goyim (Gentiles) as well to do t’shuvah (repent) and have life!” (Acts 11:18)
…but who
forced their hand at Passover, on the worst possible day with Jerusalem full of
visitors and troops expecting the Jewish Messiah to finally show up?
Yesha’yahu (Isaiah) 53 describes Someone...
to others, despised, a man of sorrows, not highly esteemed, arrested, bruised,
silent before His accusers, flogged, executed as a criminal, given a rich man’s
burial, rose from the dead…( taboo in Jewish synagogues)
Who is He?
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"I am innocent" |
By the way…who
flogged Yeshua (Jesus)?
Pontius Pilate’s wife warned her husband, so he then washed his hands in mock innocence ‘of the blood of this just person’. The injustice is appalling but did he actually then get up off his Judgment Seat to personally flog Jesus himself to save his own skin?
Pontius Pilate’s wife warned her husband, so he then washed his hands in mock innocence ‘of the blood of this just person’. The injustice is appalling but did he actually then get up off his Judgment Seat to personally flog Jesus himself to save his own skin?
barbarity of this governor is incredible.
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'He had done no violence' - Isaiah 53:9 |
(Check for
yourself: Matt 27:26 ; Mark 15:15 ; Luke 23:22 ; John 19:1 but make sure you use a more reliable translation such as Received Text, Authorised King James KJV, New King James Version NKJV, English Standard ESV, J.N.Darby...
The New American Standard NASB agrees only at John 19:1.
Not surprising...New International NIV, New Living NLT, and The Message have altered the meaning.)
The New American Standard NASB agrees only at John 19:1.
Not surprising...New International NIV, New Living NLT, and The Message have altered the meaning.)