What’s so special about this photo?...isn’t that just a
mine, or maybe even a rocket launch-pad?
No, this is an American
drilling-rig searching for oil and gas within a 400 sq. km. area.
Well, big deal! So what?? Zion Oil & Gas from Delaware, USA, is searching at the geographic pivot of Africa, Asia and Europe - the Jezreel Valley in Israel, beside the ancient Via Maris or ‘Way of the Sea’.
Napoleon Bonaparte: “…the most natural battleground of the whole earth.”
So who has fought here? Who hasn’t fought here!...and this where British General Allenby defeated the Ottoman Turks in September, 1918.
A former prime minister of
Israel, Golda Meir, complained about Moses: “He took us 40 years through the
desert in order to bring us to the one spot in the Middle East that has no
Well, the Tamar and Leviathan gas&oil fields off Haifa’s coastline were recently tapped - just as old Moses predicted at 120: “…let him dip his foot in oil” - and don’t forget...he said this about Joseph’s family: “Blessed of the Lord is his land……..and the deep lying beneath”. Even the original Mr. Israel, old Jacob at 147 said about his favourite son: “…the Almighty who will bless you with…blessings of the deep that lies beneath”.
Well, the Tamar and Leviathan gas&oil fields off Haifa’s coastline were recently tapped - just as old Moses predicted at 120: “…let him dip his foot in oil” - and don’t forget...he said this about Joseph’s family: “Blessed of the Lord is his land……..and the deep lying beneath”. Even the original Mr. Israel, old Jacob at 147 said about his favourite son: “…the Almighty who will bless you with…blessings of the deep that lies beneath”.
Is that
just two old men waffling on before they died?? Will biblical prophecy be
proved wrong for a change?... or will this make for the final showdown?

So here’s a ‘heads-up’… What overlooks the Jezreel
Nazareth to the north-east and…….Tel Megiddo, to the south, on the ancient northern boundary of Manasseh, son of Joseph – yes, that’s it - Armageddon or ‘mountain of slaughter’.
Watch out everybody!...Jezreel means ‘God scatters’. Nazareth to the north-east and…….Tel Megiddo, to the south, on the ancient northern boundary of Manasseh, son of Joseph – yes, that’s it - Armageddon or ‘mountain of slaughter’.
Cline, Eric H. The Battles of Armageddon, 2000, University
of Michigan Press, Ann Arbour MI
photocredits: Signs/Consfords.com