Wednesday, 30 April 2014


We continue our series: ‘Holy Bible of Science’, following the first article: ‘Science Master in a twister’:

Oh man, the Science Master is sure letting old Job have it!   Wasn’t he some big-time rancher out east?
Job had the largest spread of anybody but lost all his livestock in just one day!...7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen and 500 she-asses.
He still thinks he has a handle on astronomy as well: Arcturus, Orion, The Pleiades…even the starry southern skies!...and he knows the Earth ‘hangs on nothing’…but young Elihu had to remind him of the water cycle.                               

Hey, watch this! The Science Master is going to give Job a quick tour of His wildlife park with a slide show……
First up we have feed requirements of lions and ravens - two species Job wouldn’t want on his spread…especially not in times of drought.

Now we look at breeding cycles… 
Job would have had trouble farming mountain goats (~180 days gestation) and deer (~235 days). 
Yeah…‘Don’t Fence Me In’!
They’d be a cinch compared with the onager or even the intractable wild ox. This was the reem or rimu – probably what we called the ‘aurochs’ (Bos taurus) which became extinct in 1627 when the last survivor died in a game reserve in Poland.

I can’t see Job using a rimu to plow his fields and bring home the grain, let alone keep in a barn.
Waterloo - here we come!
Need for speed?...then how about the ostrich - faster than a racehorse but a pathetic mother - only really good for feather dusters.            

Not so fast but oh so powerful and fearless is the horse on the battlefield. Veterinarians tell us that the horse’s heart is not so large but is supplemented by the frogs of the hooves pumping venous blood back to the heart.

Now that is clever!
Finally we see creatures that can defy gravity…The flight capability and navigation skills of the hawk: the structure of the flight feather and its muscular control is nothing short of astonishing, and to this day, scientists cannot work out how birds navigate so skillfully. 

Adjustable winglets hey?
The eagle’s ability to soar by manipulating its wing-tip feathers has inspired the design of winglets on modern airliners and its colour-vision acuity is 8 times better than Man’s.

Now that’s what I call a brilliant veterinary presentation…albeit in layman’s terms we can all understand.

Job:                             Okay, I’ll shut up.

Science Master:      Not so fast. Are you better than your Master? You’ll give Me a proper answer yet.                      
NEXT:   'Huh?...dinosaurs in the Bible?'

Quotations from KJV Bible: Job 9:9 ; 26:7 ; 36:27 ; ch38&39                                                      
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Thursday, 24 April 2014


Uhh?  The Holy Bible of Science??  Come on…the Bible’s not a science book!!          
Isn’t it?  Okay, the Bible is not a science textbook but it is a book of knowledge.
Of course, but you can’t even find the word ‘science’ in the Bible.                                

Oh yes you can!… Daniel and his friends were chosen as “cunning in knowledge and understanding science”. On the other hand, the apostle Paul warned young Timothy to avoid “oppositions of science falsely so called” - what we call pseudo-science today. (Mmm…should we waste time debating fools who deny God?)  Besides, ‘science’ means: knowledge, from the Latin: scientia 
Theologians have been reminding us for centuries: “the Bible is silent as to science” or “Scripture does not reveal scientific facts”.   Have we been apologizing for God’s Word, instead of upholding it?   
In fact, theologian Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution all began with Sir Charles Lyell, the famous 19th century amateur geologist making it his goal to….what? 
“Free the science from Moses”...after listening to theology lectures!           

So how about we look for any science in the Bible, hey?
Better than that, we’re going to sit in on a lecture at the University of the Universe and listen to a sickly mature-age student by the name of Job being stood up…..     
O, oh!…look out, here comes the Master of Science like He’s in a twister!....      
“Were you there on the construction site at Creation? Have you measured the Earth?” 
(Psst…we didn’t know the size of the Earth until the 2nd century BC.)                

“Did you set sea levels by raising continents?…or can you command the dawn of a new day…or the blanket of clouds?”…then we hear about…

“…[the earth] is turned as clay to the seal”    (describing how the Earth spins on its axis.)                                                                                              
“Hast thou entered into the springs of the sea (…recorded thousands of years before scientists first discovered ‘black smokers’ in 1977, 2,500 metres under the Pacific Ocean, in the Galapagos Rift.)                                   

“How does light travel? …or where did it come from before the sun was created?”
“Job, I suppose you know because you were alive then – you’re so old!”             
“Have you entered into the treasuries of the snow?”    
(Using microscopes, we now know that every snow crystal is unique…but they are absent in man-made snow!)                        
“By what way is light parted?”     
(Eventually Sir Isaac Newton, ‘the father of modern science’, found out with his prism in 1704 AD.)                                                     

Cumulonimbus clouds storing “treasuries of the hail”, bring also the “overflowing of waters”, lightning and thunder. (Scientists now know that lightning with up to 100 million volts, splits the nitrogen molecules to form nitrate compounds that fertilize the soil “to cause the bud of the tender herb to spring forth” and this is occurring about 1800 times around the Earth – all the time!)
Water miraculously expands when cooled below 4 degrees C, causing it to be “hid as with a stone and the face of the deep is frozen”.  (If sea-ice failed to float, life on Earth would be extinguished.)

“Canst thou bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?” (…proved accurate, of course, by astronomers last century.)                     
“Canst thou bring forth the Mazzaroth in its season?”    
(Forget astrology. Astronomers have known since antiquity that the sun spends one month in front of each of the 12 constellations of the Zodiac.)                                                

“Canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons?”   (Astronomers know that the star Arcturus is the brightest star north of the ecliptic line. Mythology seems to have corrupted this with ‘the Bear and her cubs’.)
Perhaps that’s enough from the Holy Bible of Science for today’s lecture …Creation, geology, oceanography, meteorology, hydrology, astrophysics and wrapping up with some stunning astronomy! 

NEXT: What about some zoology with a slideshow from the Science Master?
Click on:

Quotations from KJV Bible: Job chapter 38                                                                    
Photo credit:




Saturday, 19 April 2014


Continuing our bonus series on 'Islam in Oz'
and following:

Here’s an offer too good to refuse...  
You’re invited to invest in the establishment of more Islamic mosques and schools….there may even be opportunity for you to sponsor global jihad terrorism against infidels!
No?...not interested? You find that offensive? 
Well that’s too bad because it seems that you and I are already doing this when we buy our groceries. 
Oh, you find that outrageous, hey?  Well let’s investigate what’s been going on behind the scenes….
In Australia, since about 1983, government legislation and meat processing regulations have accommodated the concept of halal to satisfy the religious requirements of Islamic countries and our own Muslim citizens. 

So what is halal, exactly?
It means ‘permitted’ or ‘lawful’ and is based on the teachings of Muhammad in the Qur’an:                                                       
Sura2:173                                                                                                                                                  "He has only forbidden to you dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah. But whoever is forced [by necessity], neither desiring [it] nor transgressing [its limit], there is no sin upon him. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.  
Also Sura 6:145 ; Sura 16:115                                                 
Of course complications arise when killing chains have to be re-aligned towards Mecca and in the use of stun guns, from the prohibition on: “ [those animals] killed by strangling or by a violent blow..." Sura 5:3-5
Australia upholds freedom of religion, so halal meat is available for export and domestic consumption…but halal certification has definitely NOT stopped there. There are now about 20 Islamic authorities who issue compliance certification for all kinds of commerce and infrastructure:
Products such as milk, bread, honey, nuts, fruit and vegetables….all intrinsically halal anyway!                                              
Transport & buildings – believe it or not!                                                    
Animal feeds (including pets)                                                
Personal care products                                                       
…and now even the major banks are offering Islamic finance!                        
Don’t be surprised when halal business parks appear on the scene too.

So how relevant is halal certification to global trade?  How about $US 2.9 TRILLION!
Meanwhile supermarket chains, food processors, and restaurants are paying for certification and signing non-disclosure agreements, while retail customers are welcoming halal labelling, believing it offers assurance of quality control and protection for endangered species.

So you don’t agree with Muslims forcing sharia law on others?  
Too bad, it’s coming anyway…expect life to get more difficult if we resist halal certification. All Qantas passengers on flights thru Dubai must now expect only halal meals. No exceptions. 
In case you’ve forgotten, Islam means ‘submission’ – that means everybody, world-wide – by violent jihad, by conversion, or by dhimmitude…never heard of it?.... that’s the appeasement of 'moderate' Muslims.
Islamic Oz – not such a fantasy after all.  



Monday, 14 April 2014


Continuing our series: 'Seventh Day Adventist Teachings' and following the article: 'Is it really curtains for Israel?'...

We found that Adventists claim that the Jews became “just another nation and ceased to be God's church.”  Now what?
Hang about!  This is what the Bible says…

“For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee (Israel) shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted.”              Isaiah 60     
also Psalm 72, Isaiah 2:1-4; ch11; 26:9 ; ch65, Micah 4:1-4                                       
Well that’s a major change of fortune!  Israel will be supreme, hey?                       
So let’s see who finally gets to reign on Earth…

“…And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, and cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled…” Revelation 20

Meanwhile, the resurrected tribulation martyrs are rewarded:

“…they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.”
…and then…

“And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and he shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle…”      
…followed by the resurrection of the wicked to appear before ‘the great white throne’.  So why do Adventists teach this?...                                                          

Clause 27. Millennium and the End of Sin: “The millennium is the thousand-year reign of Christ with His saints in heaven between the first and second resurrections. During this time the wicked dead will be judged; the earth will be utterly desolate, without living human inhabitants, but occupied by Satan and his angels.
What would be the point of that?  Do you remember our prayer?

 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”

According to Adventists it never gets answered!  They are claiming Satan and his angels inherit a desolate earth.
Let’s have a look at Daniel’s prophecy:

“Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet…and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth….And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.”  Daniel 2
So time will tell who is right, hey?....Ellen White and her loyal Adventist disciples…or God’s Word!                                                      
Will God’s kingdom destroy and replace the reviving Roman Empire?...or not?  
Isn’t Israel just another nation?…or will it be restored to rule the world?                      
Will Jesus Christ be finally given universal dominion over the nations on Earth?…or will Satan and his angels be left with a desolate Earth? 
Will the wicked dead be raised for the final battle over Jerusalem?…or will they face judgment at the great white throne before consignment to the lake of fire?
This is what it comes down to, if you hijack God’s Word, wipe Abraham’s family from God’s purposes, and apply human notions to Jewish prophecy:                         

Jesus Christ doesn’t inherit what He was promised in Psalm 72 – so God is a liar!


“…in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us, which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast…….even Jesus…”          Hebrews 6


Seventh Day Adventists Believe…27 Fundamental Doctrines’, Ministerial Association, General Conference of SDA, Washington DC, 1988      
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