Thursday, 26 September 2013

Zoe's Law

IOPNA was going to leave this 'red-hot potato' well alone, since surely abortion is not an issue among Christians who of course all uphold the sanctity of unborn life..........mmm, but on second thoughts – hey, perhaps it is an issue after all!?

Ourimbah - Christmas Day 2009
So who is Zoe?  Her mother was Brodie Donegan who was seriously injured on Christmas Day 2009 when the driver of a minivan careered into her car.  Brodie was 32 weeks pregnant and trapped for 3 hours then airlifted to Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, where Zoe was stillborn by caesarian section 2 hours later. The other driver was charged with 'Dangerous Driving causing Grievous Bodily Harm' to Brodie, with her listed injuries including Zoe as a foetus. By law, Zoe's birth/death had to be registered and she be given a proper burial/cremation but under the Crimes Act she was not recognised as a person, having never taken a breath.
Brodie, you and your family have our heartfelt sympathy over the loss of your precious baby. However, you have gone public about this so we are now at liberty to discuss your baby and your proposal to have the laws of New South Wales changed, despite Reverend Fred Nile's introduction of the Crimes Amendment Bill 2011 Destruction of Child in Utero – Zoe’s Law, intended to exempt medical procedure.

Whatever our views on abortion might be, let's first wind the clock back and watch that miracle develop:
The ovum with only 23 chromosomes has just been fertilized, so it is now a zygote with 46 chromosomes - miraculously.                                                                     
Day 2: The single cell zygote now splits into 2 identical cells each with 46 chromosomes - by miraculous 'mitosis'.                                             
On each subsequent day the cells continue to split, forming a morula.                  
Day 5: The identical cells now in a blastocyst begin to 'differentiate' into various body organs and structures - miraculously.                                                                        
After Day 18: The embryo now has its own pulse. (Does Mum know anything yet?)
Day 28: The heart begins to pump.                                                                                 
After Week 8: All major organs and structures of the foetus have formed.            
Week 12: The sex organs are clearly discernible.                                    
Week 18: The foetus responds to stimuli and Mum feels ‘Bub’ moving.                 
Week 20: “Keep growing Bub!”…there's 18 long weeks to go.

On Brodie’s behalf, Mr. Chris Spence MP has now introduced the Crimes Amendment (Zoe’s Law) Bill 2013 (No. 2) on which debate has been deferred:

1.    Applicable criminal offences to an unborn child over 20 weeks gestation or 400 grams weight.

2.    The unborn child to be recognised as a living person.

3.    A younger foetus is not recognised.

4.    Medical procedures or actions by the mother are exempted.

Well Brodie, wasn’t your baby alive before 20 weeks?  
What if the other female driver had also lost an unborn baby? It would not be recognised as a person under amended criminal law but your baby would be. Is that fair?                     
(Oh and by the way, abortion is meant to be illegal in New South Wales unless a doctor believes on reasonable grounds it is necessary to avoid serious danger to the mother’s life or her physical and mental health.)
Now let’s see if this is about recognition of an unborn child as a living person or about the mother’s control with impunity…….                                                 

Brodie says: “She was not my injury. She was my baby. I felt her move…” - fair enough but she also tells us she and her partner Nick are ‘pro-choice’. 
In other words, Brodie thinks she should have the right to have her baby, or get rid of that thing and be exempt from prosecution. She gets to be judge, jury and executioner, choosing whether that new life inside her is a precious baby or just medical bio-waste.                                                         
Seeing she refers to the Biblical expression: ‘eye for an eye’ let’s see what God thinks about a woman hurt “with child, so that her fruit depart from her”…                                                         
“And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life…” Exodus 21:22-23
Like you said, Brodie: “It’s just about recognising the life that was taken.”             
…it’s life that’s taken.

Photo credits: Ourimbah/ 



Wednesday, 18 September 2013

an-Nisa: THE WOMEN

Further to IOPNA's bonus series, ISLAM IN OZ:

 Ladies, can we interest you in becoming a Muslim?...a real Muslim, that is…not a westerner.

Wait!  Don't you think it would be a good idea to check the fine print first?                          
Here is some of what the sacred book of Islam, the Koran or Qur'an, says about women:
Sura 4:3    "And if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphan girls, then marry those that please you of other women, two or three or four..."

            (as a wife you might have some competition)

What's the point of taking that photo?  Five hey!? 
Sura 4:11   "Allah instructs you concerning your children [inheritance] for the male, what is equal to the share of two females. But if there are only daughters, two or more, for them is two thirds of one's estate. And if there is only one, for her is half."

            (bad luck girls - your only worth half the boys' share)

 Sura 4:24   "And [also prohibited to you are all] married women except those your right hands possess...."

            (you might have to share your husband with slave girls too)

Sura 4:34    "...But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist] forsake them in bed; and [finally] strike them.

            (if you get a bit uppity - look out!)

Sura 2:282   "...And if there are not two men [available], then a man and two women from those whom you accept as witnesses - so that if one of them errs, then the other can remind her."

            (in court your witness is worth only half a man's witness because you're probably not reliable anyway)

Sura 2:223   "Your wives are a place of cultivation for you, so come to your place of cultivation however you wish and put forth for yourselves..."

            (you're fair game for your husband any way and any time he feels like it)

Sura 2:230   "And if he has divorced her [for the third time], then she is not lawful to him afterward until [after ]she marries a husband other than him. And if he [latter husband] divorces her, there is no blame upon them for returning to each other if they think that they can keep the limits of Allah..."

            (the only way to patch up after he's shouted divorce at you 3 times is for you to briefly marry and divorce some other guy)

Hello? Hello?...........................................are you still there?
(By the way, the authority of Shariah law is now recognised in Britain.)

Smiles all round - for the camera

NEXT: 'Our Aussie mosque' - click on:

Smith J, Ghossain R, 
Saheeh International, The Qur'an, Abulqasim Publishing House, 1997
Photo credits:              

Thursday, 12 September 2013


Okay, the survival of the Jews is miraculous and the here and now is reasonably peaceful…for how long?

This temple the Jews want to build on Temple Mount – that’ll never see the light of day….will it?

You’ve heard of The Revelation? If we take a close look at that much argued-over book, we find chapters 4 thru 20 very Jewish. Even this temple that is yet to be built in Jerusalem is definitely up and in use by chapter 11…so yes, it will get out of the ground to see the light of day.
Then Israel’s peace and prosperity is not so certain after all?  

There’s a little verse in Ezekiel 21 that conveniently gets overlooked:

“I will overturn, overturn, overturn: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him.” there won’t be lasting peace until the Messiah is recognised?                              
I wonder when the Jews will start to wake up to who Jesus Christ really is?

This what He said: “Then two shall be in the field, one is taken and one is left; two women grinding at the mill, one is taken (paralambano: receive near) and one is left (aphiemi: forsaken).”                        Matthew 24

Man, that sounds like that Rapture business!   
Meanwhile the Muslims aren’t going to take too kindly to a Jewish temple back on Temple Mount are they?                                                 
Remember we found that the return of the Jews to Palestine was actually a fulfillment in our lifetime of Ezekiel 36…so let’s read on…                             
Not only will the nation of Israel revive as it has, the divided tribes will be re-united and the kingdom will be re-established.                                        
However, we find there will be an invasion!...and no, this is not Armageddon.

Who will be the invaders? 
Persia (Iran), Ethiopia (Sudan) and Libya get a mention…

…that figures!...Muslim countries in the south, east and west!                            
Will anybody else be involved?...what about from the north?
How about a big player?...Russia!...maybe reluctantly.

Whoa! this is going to be a big shindig!...anyone else?
Togarmah - probably Turkey, and Gomer.

Gomer??  Whoever is that?
I’ll leave you to check that one out – take a look at Genesis 10 where you will find Noah had a grandson Gomer who then had 3 sons: Ashkenaz, Riphath and Togarmah. Jews living in Germany or Poland have been known as Ashkenazi Jews. Will Germany, who has long had association with Turkey and is increasingly dependent on Russian gas, be dragged into this too?

So it will finally happen, hey?...the Muslims will invade Israel from every direction with the backing of Russia. You can even see this shaping up today!
Well it’s all there in Ezekiel and Joel, in incredible detail. Perhaps World War II was a dress rehearsal and it’s time to be reminded of this guy –

Here is Mohammed Effendi Amin el-Husseini, appointed by the British in 1921 as Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, giving the Nazi salute as he inspects a parade of German troops in his honour. This is what he said on Berlin Radio in 1942: “Kill the Jews – kill them with your hands, kill them with your teeth – this is well pleasing to Allah.”
It sure sounds like God is going to let the screws be put on Israel.

Yes, you’ll find this called ‘a time of trouble’ in Daniel 12, ‘the time of Jacob’s trouble’ in Jeremiah 30, and ‘the Tribulation’ in Matthew 24 and Mark 13.                             

All life on Earth would be wiped out if it wasn’t for the Jewish Messiah our Lord Jesus Christ returning in glory to establish His kingdom.

Acknowledgements: Wilkinson P. ‘For Zion’s Sake’, Paternoster 2007
Photo credits:

Tuesday, 10 September 2013


Okay, we found the survival of the Jews miraculous but we’re looking at the here and now…


Obviously there’s always been an explosive mix of politics, religion, money, and armaments in Palestine……..and now oil and gas as well?  Whoa! this is scary! What about this red hot piece of real estate to ignite it all?
Surely you’ve heard of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem?...the most hotly contested piece of real estate in the world.

Yes but what’s so special about that lump of rock?
Temple Mount is an elevated area of about 450 by 300 metres on which king Solomon’s temple once stood until 586 BC, and replaced with Zerubbabel’s temple in 516 BC, over which was built a grander temple by Herod, only to be destroyed by the Romans in AD 70. In total, a Jewish temple stood here for nearly 1000 years, in fact about 960.   

So it rightly belongs to the Jews?
Not according to the Islamic Arabs – it has been a sacred site for them longer.

Longer? come?
Jerusalem surrendered to the Caliph Omar in AD 637, commemorated by the building of the Mosque of Omar in Jerusalem in 1193, although not on the Mount.

That’s only 820 years ago.

Ah, but the Dome of the Rock or Qubbat-as-Sakhrah was built as a shrine in AD 691, over the rock which Muhammad was supposed to have ascended to heaven from on his ‘Night Journey’.        

That makes the Dome of the Rock the oldest Islamic monument and Temple Mount or Haram ash-Sharif (Noble Sanctuary) the 3rd holiest Islamic site for 1322 years! Added to the Mount was the Al-Aqsa Mosque in AD 1035.
So the Muslims win it!

Here it is - THE Rock
Except the Jews also claim the rock is where Abraham was ready to sacrifice his son Isaac about 3,900 years ago.   

Huh!...none of this could be proved.                         
Don’t the Israelis recognise the Islamic claim?

Sure they do! The Preservation of the Holy Places Law was enacted way back in 1967 and these two sacred edifices are administered by the Ministry of Awqaf in Amman, Jordan.

So is right of access to Muslims enforced by the Israeli Government?
Yes all Muslims with Israeli citizenship have right of access, except on Muslim holidays when West Bank Arab males must be over 35 years of age to stop youths throwing rocks on Jews praying below at the Wailing Wall.

Well that seems reasonable. Does the Muslim administration permit visitors?

Yes but they must not engage in non-Muslim prayer nor carry in religious artifacts or Hebrew writing.

Well the Jews haven’t had a temple for nearly 2000 years and they’ve got their synagogues. The sacred rock is protected and can be visited. The Muslims have their mosques, protected under Israeli law. What’s the problem?                                     
Why not just maintain the status quo? know, ‘steady as she goes’.  Everybody should be happy – more or less.
…except for the orthodox Jews all ready to rebuild their temple again on Temple Mount.

Well you can kiss any peace goodbye if that ever happens. By the way, what about Christians?
Jesus Christ is our Rock of Ages!                                                      
Finally let’s take a ‘peep around the corner’…..NEXT:
Click on:

Photo credits:                                                                      
Temple Mount /                                                                      
The Rock /








Tuesday, 3 September 2013


We found the survival of the Jews miraculous…but what’s happening now?

After only 60 years the democratic State of Israel enjoys a dynamic economy leading in: research & development, banking, agriculture, horticulture, electronics, military technology, medical equipment, pharmaceuticals….  
After all that, would you say that Israel has turned back to Abraham’s God?             
 Hardly. No doubt some of them are godly but mostly Israel is a secular state very dependent on U.S.A. for its survival.

Some Jews today are converting to Christianity but you’ll find the common attitude is:  “The Jewish Agency is profoundly grateful to the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem for your significant support of our aliyah (resettlement) and absorption activities. This important investment will be instrumental in keeping Israel’s promise as a safe haven and thriving homeland for all Jews.”

Safety and prosperity, hey?...mmm, time will tell.

So how about we focus on just 3 critical issues for Israel today, beginning with something very dear to us all - especially Jews…….MONEY!                               
On 1st June, 2000, Israel became an associate member of the European Union.
But why?...Israel is in Asia – not Europe.

Being surrounded by hostile neighbours on all sides, who won’t even recognise your right to exist, let alone trade with you, Israel is desperate for friends while spending up to 24% of Gross Domestic Product on defense.   
So which direction would you look to cultivate friendship for trade and a defense backstop?      
Yeah, I suppose across the Mediterranean to Europe.                       

35% of Israel’s exports go to the European Union as its most important regional customer. Israel’s problem is that Europe now boycotts any products from territories occupied since the 6-Day War in 1967….

…and don’t forget Europe is becoming increasingly Muslim!

Which brings us to the big ticket item…GAS!                                            
In fulfilment of Moses’ prophecy, Israel is sitting on at least 122 trillion cubic feet of gas and 1.7 million barrels of oil under the Mediterranean – so who do they plan to export 60% to?

Of course!...starting with Greece and Cyprus. Meanwhile Europe is becoming increasingly dependent on Russia and muslim North Africa for its fuel supplies.

Wow!...what a volatile mix!, armaments, gas, oil, politics, religion….all it needs is something to ignite it.
How about a red hot piece of real estate?

wikipedia. org                                                                                                                 
Photo credits:                                                                              
EU agreement/                                                           
oil rig/